Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tie The Knot Quickly With Las Vegas Wedding Chapels: Part 2

Are you looking for a quick way to tie the knot in Las Vegas? Do you and your sweetie want to renew your vows in a fun and romantic way? Well how about a drive-thru wedding chapel? They’re nicer than they might sound and you’re in and out so you can get on with enjoying the excitement of the city. Here’s information on a few different wedding chapels that offer this fun, funky and fast way to get hitched and the different options you can choose from.

A Special Memory Wedding Chapel offers drive-up and drive-thru weddings without a reservation. This place has been seen on the Travel Channel so there’s a little bit of celebrity for ya to boot. They have a clever ‘menu’ posted at the window with ‘ala carte’ and ‘appetizer packages’ in addition to the ‘breakfast’, ‘lunch’ and ‘dinner’ menus (packages). Show up in any vehicle from a Hummer to a Harley to a Limo to an Old Model T! Bring your families, your friends and your pets if you like. The packages include roses, music, photos and more depending on which menu items you choose. And yes, Elvis will attend if you want him to by way of a pink Cadillac to pick you up and take you to the chapel. He’ll even sing a couple of songs for the happy couple and their guests! For information on all the drive-up wedding chapel choices they have to offer go to www.aspecialmemory.com.

You can book a drive-thru wedding online with Las Vegas Weddings Dot Com. This facility books wedding ceremonies every 30 minutes and conveniently has a link on their website to ‘Book Now’ if you’re interested. They offer six different packages that include the Bride’s bouquet and the Groom’s boutonniere which vary in size and flower choice depending on the package selected. Some of the options even include a wedding cake! You’ll get pictures and a souvenir of your vows in addition to music at the ceremony. A minister is provided for each wedding option, but that fee is not included in the price. It is suggested that a tip of at least be given to both the minister and the limo driver if you choose to utilize their services. You can find out more at www.lasvegasweddings.com.

If you and your honey want to arrive in style, you can do that too with Las Vegas Limousine Drive-Thru Weddings. For only 9, you can arrange for you and your beloved and four or more companions to be chauffeured in luxury to the drive-thru wedding chapel. Your experience includes world class service and a professional driver in addition to being provided with lavish accouterments. How romantic! Go to www.lvwc.com/Limousine_Wedding to find out more.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hearing Aids and Glasses Leveling the Sensory Field

Since time immemorial, people have referred to the eyes as “windows to the soul”, yet blind and deaf Helen Keller said "Hearing is the deepest, most philosophical sense man possesses."

For centuries, sight impaired people have worn glasses without being labeled “mentally defective.” Meanwhile, those with hearing impairment have suffered enormous prejudice. Labeled as “old", "stupid", "mentally ill", or "selective listeners", many hearing impaired people live in denial, or refuse to wear hearing aids because they are afraid of being branded.

For decades, quality eye glasses and contact lenses have been purchased for around 100 dollars but until recently, hearing aids were so expensive that only the wealthy could afford high quality corrective instruments.

Year upon year, eye glasses are fashionably designed in various shapes and colors to enhance physically attractiveness. Conversely, hearing aids are designed to be “discreet”, and manufactured in skin tones because they are deemed unsightly.

Every day, thousands of people submit their prescriptions for eye glasses and contacts lenses online. Orders are then shipped directly to them within 24 hours. At the same time, people seeking hearing correction call ahead for appointments, fight traffic, and look for parking to obtain help.

So how can we level the playing field? First, we must acknowledge that hearing impairment does not signal old age or intellectual inferiority. Admittedly, those who endure uncorrected sight impairment or hearing loss can be at a disadvantage, because they may be unable to decipher everyday sensory signals. Fortunately, excellent solutions for the hearing impaired are now readily available.

With the advent of technology, full-featured 100% digital aids incorporating advanced noise canceling and sound amplification computer chips can be produced inexpensively. There is no need to pay thousands of dollars for comfortable, top-quality hearing aids to correct moderate to moderate-severe hearing loss and reduce sound feedback inside the ear.

Hearing aids can also be fashionable and fun. Colorful hearing aids incorporating gemstones can optimize individual attractiveness. Such hearing aid solutions maximize intimacy at home, and empower communication in the workplace. They signal pride, and are sported by those who stay in the game and keep their edge. I have never met a woman who doesn’t like diamonds, and I believe that most men feel successful when they own the latest and the best.

After consulting with a physician to ensure a hearing aid will benefit them, hearing impaired clients can select the size, model, color, and stone they prefer, and input a current audiogram online. 100% digital hearing aids are custom programmed to meet their prescriptive correction requirements, and shipped within 24 hours. Clientele can take advantage of instructional videos, extended warranties, and a 45-day money back guarantee.

Hearing loss acts as a “silent thief”, robbing the individual of life’s pleasures. While hearing correction restores vitality and self-esteem to the individual, spouses, family members, and coworkers also reap life-changing benefits. Instead of shouting and continually repeating themselves, they can relax, maximize the moment, and enjoy the playing field.

Hearing Aid Repairs St Louis MO

5 Useful Steps to Collecting Antique Gold and Silver Coins

Collecting antique coins can be not only an exhilarating, but satisfying pastime. It has become a favorite hobby partly because it is an entertaining activity where you can not only study about history, but if done right can generate income as well.

Antique gold and silver coins are perhaps the most popular type of coins sought out by collectors. These coins are chiefly bought at auction sales, coin shows and specialty shops situated in some historical towns. The antique coins price will vary greatly depending on many factors such as condition, age, the history and the country or origin of the coin.

Here are 5 useful steps that should be considered when collecting antique coins.

Step 1 - Always start your collecting with less valuable antique coins until you become more acquainted with fair value and develop a knowledge of coins. After your collection grows and you are more at ease with your collecting ability, you can gradually purchase more expensive coins to add to your collection.

Step 2 - Your collection will be more controllable if you limit your buying of antique coins to those of a particular country or origin and even to a specific date range if possible. Specializing your collection will allow you to become an expert in that area much faster and will allow you to focus your purchase activities. This will require more patience on your part because of the modest number of coins accessible, but will only add to the value of your collection.

Step 3 - Always remember that it is your obligation as the buyer to guarantee that your antique coin is authentic. Being aware that there is a potential for fraud will remind you to take extra care and to thoroughly inspect any coin before purchasing it. While scams and counterfeit coins are rare, they do exist so you must be comfortable with determining the genuineness of the coin you are considering for purchase.

Step 4 - Having a professional coin appraiser judge the value of the antique silver or gold coin before your purchase will provide you with the real worth and may help prevent you from purchasing an antique coin that is either a counterfeit or is being sold at an exaggerated price.

Step 5 - Having made an antique coin purchase, care must be made to preserve the value of your coin. Extra care should be taken in order to protect not only the value, but the appearance of the coin as well. As a coin collector, you need to be aware that antique coins do not require much cleaning and in fact, the older the antique coin looks, the more value it may have.

Collecting antique coins can provide much recreation and anyone might consider making it a hobby. Using the above steps will help turn your passion for collecting coins into a safe, fun, and rewarding experience.

Kim McGugan is a photographer, writer, and researcher. Antique collecting is a rewarding and enjoyable hobby which she is able to share with her aunt Mary. Feel free to visit and comment on her new blog http://shabbyantiqueboutique.com.

Get the Best Deals on Gold and Silver Coins
Don't Pay Too Much for Gold and Silver Coins

Monday, April 26, 2010

List Building Tips - Why You Need a List

I was recently surprised when someone who was new to affiliate marketing asked me..."Why do you need a list anyway?"

But this is actually a great question. And many newcomers are probably asking themselves the same thing. When we first start out, we aren't really thinking in terms of long-term profit and we don't really have the statistics ingrained in our brains. We're just trying to figure out how to make money...so building a list might not seem like a top priority.

This article is the first in a series of list building tips. Here I'm going to focus on why everyone (yes, everyone) in business benefits from growing a list.

But first, what is a list anyway? It's basically just a series of people who have (hopefully) given you their contact information. These contacts are considered leads and the quality of these leads can vary greatly. For example, if you have a list of people who have specifically requested that you send them information about a product that you promote or the business you are involved in, that list is extremely targeted and qualified. If you have a list of contacts who are interested in your industry in general but haven't shown any interest in your particular product or business, that too is a fairly targeted list.

Buying leads is another (not recommended by me) way to build a list. These are most likely low-quality leads.

Remember that you might also have several different lists that each represent a certain niche or target market or quality level. It's important to market to each list appropriately and this will be discussed in a later article.

So, on to the real list building tips article number 1: five reasons you want to start building your list now if you haven't done so already.

1. Increase your earnings, even from the people who don't buy your product. Anyone who has already learned the lesson will gladly tell you...if you don't have a list, you are losing income. Look at it this way. You spend a month advertising something and you end up with a certain amount of sales. If you don't have the contact details of the people who bought this product, you have made just one sale per person. If you do have the contact details, you can offer these people more similar products, or upgraded products of the ones they have purchased.

Or...look at it this way. Someone is interested in your product but they don't purchase it right now. If you can get them on your list, you can send them reminders about this product or others they may be interested. If not...oh well, off they go to your competitors.

Those who buy are the most likely to buy again. If you've sold a product to someone, you can be assured that this person is much more likely to buy that same product again or the next product you offer than someone who hasn't bought from you. That's another reason for building your list.

2. You don't need your own product or business yet...and you can make money while building. Many people get started with marketing online and they don't really have a clear idea about what they want to do. Or maybe they are trying lots of different things. As far as list-building goes, that's perfectly fine! You can start out promoting someone else's product as an affiliate and build your list that way. As you start to learn more about online marketing and get a clearer picture of where you want to go, you are actually building up one of your biggest assets that will serve you in the future.

3. You can do market research for free. Building a list means having access to feedback and ideas. This goes hand in hand with number 2. Once you can maintain contact with people, you're able to ask them what they are looking for and in turn, you can develop your marketing strategies accordingly.

4. Building your own list means building your brand/image. The Internet is an amazing power. But you can get lost in a sea of cold websites and hypey sales pages. Building a list puts you on a more personal level with your customer and allows you to establish a rapport. Who do you think people are more likely to buy from...the person they've never seen before of the guy/gal who sends them those really cool emails about something they are interested in...?

5. Your own lists represent multiple sources of income. The ideas you get from your list and from what actually compelled them to join your list allows you to create your own products/services or seek out others that you can offer them.

List building can be creative - the more you put yourself and your personality into the mix, the more successful you'll be with it.

Keep in mind that your goal is not just to obtain a bunch of email addresses or phone numbers. The real point of list building is to provide value and to maintain relationships with the people who land on your list. If you're wondering how it is that you actually get people on your list(s), stay tuned for the next article.

Are you currently in the 97% of business owners who are less than successful in network marketing? Laura Shapiro offers free tips, opinions and instruction at http://www.MLM-Advantage.com. Sign up for the free newsletter today!

List Building Critic

Get More Buyers

Friday, April 23, 2010

Grooming As a Method For Dog Health Care

When it comes to dog health care nothing can substitute veterinary attention, but as the saying goes prevention is better than cure and so you must learn to take care of minor problems before they become major ones.

Grooming as a way to dog health care

One great way to take care of the health of your dog is to ensure that it is properly groomed. Proper grooming is essential to minimize any skin-care problems that may occur. Grooming ensures that natural skin oils of the dog are evenly distributed through out the coat. The second advantage is that when you groom your dog regularly, you will be able to notice the presence of any unusual bumps or lumps that may need immediate attention. Keep in mind that even though dogs do cry when they want to, but they might just remain quiet and stoic when they are ill or in pain. Dogs can't tell us when they are hurt and so when you check them on regular basis, you can save your pet and yourself a lot of grief in the long run.

While most dogs are open to dry grooming, or brushing or buffing the coat, the problem arises with wet grooming, or when water is added to the process. Dogs, as a general rule, dislike water and become panic-stricken when they see the bath tub. So the first step is to make the dog relaxed and happy.

Preparing your dog for the grooming

Getting a dog accustomed to water can be relatively simple if you start the habit right from its puppyhood. The problem arises when you adopt an adult dog. Before you start with the grooming, it is essential that you get your dog to trust your touch. By their very nature, dogs are social creatures and physical affection plays an important part in their lives. As your dog or puppy gets used to being rubbed and handled by you, it will begin to trust you and also get pleasure out of your touch.

Start by rubbing your dog gently and slowly all over its body---touch its ears, cheeks, and neck or rub its back and belly and gradually it will become familiar with your touch. This may not seem a bid deal, but it is an important part of the grooming process; for once it begins to trust you, washing it would become less stressful and it would result in better health for your canine.

Caressing your dog is actually a really important part of the grooming: The more your dog enjoys it, the less stressful the whole event will be for both of you. The more often you're likely to groom it, the more it will increase its health benefits.

Washing your dog

Always bathe your dog first and then brush and trim its coat. For bathing your dog, you would need a tub, a non-slip mat, some warm water, a small sponge, and some canine shampoo. A word of caution here, don't use shampoo meant for the humans because the pH is not right for dogs, and will give it dry and flaky skin.

Make your dog stand in the tub on the non-slip mat and pour some warm water all over it until it's good and wet. Next, mix a little shampoo in warm water, and rub it thoroughly into your dog's fur. Start off with its back and rub it into a good lather and then move on to the head and face. Be very careful while washing and ensure that water doesn't go into its ears because it can cause ear infection. The best option is to plug its ears with cotton wool.

Next you must rinse the dog. For this, pour some clean water on the body and with your fingers, disperse the lather from its coat. Rinse her off thoroughly at least twice or the residue of the shampoo may cause irritation.

Finally, dry your dog. If it has short fur, you can use a towel; if it is a bigger dog with longer fur, rub with a towel and then use a hair dryer to get rid of the last dampness.

Dog Supplements | Dog Vitamins

Thursday, April 22, 2010

LLC Formation in Texas


This article is tailored for those wishing to form an LLC for purpose of holding real estate investments. The first thing investors should know about limited liability companies is this: get one. There are lots of good reasons. The main ones are (1) minimizing personal liability and maximizing asset protection; (2) organizing your investment business; and (3) tax benefits including one-time taxation of members' profits.

Company Identity

A limited liability company, like a corporation, is a distinct legal entity with a life of its own. It has its own rights and duties. It files its own tax returns. However, it requires maintenance and continued respect for its independent status. It may be your company, but it must still be treated at arms length for legal purposes. You must undertake certain actions to maintain its separate character, and it is vital that you do so if you wish to avoid personal liability for the actions of the company or its agents and employees. The reason is the legal doctrine of "piercing the corporate veil." Unless the company pays its state and federal taxes, maintains a bank account, conducts regular meetings, keeps records, and the like, then in the event of a lawsuit, a court may disregard the company's existence and proceed directly against the members/owners personally. It will be alleged by the plaintiff's attorney that the company is a sham and nothing but the personal "alter ego" of its owners, designed to shield them from the consequences of wrongful conduct.

Omitting company "maintenance" is the single biggest mistake that investors make concerning their companies. They do the initial paperwork, pay a filing fee, and then use the company name in transactions without ever doing another thing to maintain the form and substance of the company's existence. This approach provides only the illusion of personal liability protection. It will not protect you from a clever plaintiff's lawyer who is determined to get a judgment against you personally. Remember, he or she will be looking for deep pockets and hard assets, wherever they can be found.

A new lawsuit is filed every 1.3 seconds. Literally millions of lawsuits will be filed this year. Many will award huge damages for such things as serving coffee that is too hot. In this legal environment, proper asset protection is a serious matter.

Where to Form the Company

Consult your attorney to determine whether an LLC best meets your needs. For reasons of simplicity and economy it is recommended that new investors start with a Texas LLC. There should be no rush to get chartered in another state since Texas has favorable LLC laws. Nevada and Delaware are also good choices, although out-of-state LLC's are required to pay a stiff fee and maintain a registered agent with a physical address (ie., not a PO box) in order to do business in Texas.

After establishing your LLC, you may wish to file a "DBA" certificate in the counties in which you operate, showing the name under which you will be publicly doing business. This further preserves anonymity, an important element in asset protection.


The owners of an LLC are referred to as "members" rather than shareholders or partners. An LLC may be formed by only one person. Members may be individuals, partnerships, other LLC's, corporations, and/or any other type of legal entity. LLC's generally operate through a "managing member" although officers may also be elected if the company agreement (formerly called the bylaws) so provides.

Ideally, the personal name of a member should never appear on any deeds or leases, and a tenant should never write a check to a member personally. Do business using the name of the LLC (or its assumed name - DBA - if you have obtained one) and use a dedicated operating account. Avoid any form of personal guaranty on legal documents. Property management should always be conducted by your LLC.

Asset Protection

A primary purpose of an LLC is to provide asset protection for its members. Although there is no such thing as a "bulletproof" plan to avoid personal liability or protect assets, the rule is this: the more fences a plaintiff and his attorney have to jump, and the more money they have to spend in order to get to you personally, the better protected you are. One way or another, plaintiffs have to pay their lawyers, and that means either cash or contingent fee - and few good lawyers will take a real estate fraud case on a contingent fee, particularly if they know they will have to penetrate a bona fide LLC before they can get to any real assets.

It is critical that your attorney draft the LLC's company agreement so that it discourages creditors from ever attempting to seize your membership interest or the membership interest of a fellow member. A membership interest in an LLC is not a protected asset under the Texas homestead laws - so provisions should be included in the company agreement to the effect that any creditor succeeding to a membership interest by means of collection or execution on a judgment will not be able to vote that interest; not be able to serve as a manager or officer; not be able to direct that assets of the company be sold; and not be able to alter or reduce the company's ability to do business. A related article on our website, Asset Protection in Texas may be useful to you.

Separating LLC From Personal Affairs

An LLC is also a useful device for organizing your business, particularly in separating your business from personal affairs. Failing to do this is a common mistake of novice investors and can create legal and accounting problems. Running business income and expenses through your personal account may not be illegal, but it can complicate your defense if you are sued. It will be alleged that you "commingled funds." Again, this may not always be contrary to law, but it will arouse the suspicion of the judge and jury and may result in your defense failing the "smell test." This sort of error can also result in your being held personally liable for damages. Why risk it?

The Company Name and Other Formation Details

In setting up an LLC, one of the first things to consider is a company name. Unfortunately, the easy ones tend to be taken, so you will need to be creative. When you have an available name, contact your attorney and tell him who the original members are going to be and what percentage of ownership each will have. Generally, LLC's have a managing member or co-managing members. Who will be serving in these capacities? You will also need to choose a registered agent with a physical address (not a PO Box) in Texas. The registered agent will receive official company mail from the Secretary of State and the Comptroller and be the person who is served with process if the company is sued.

State and Federal Taxes

An LLC differs from a conventional corporation in that it avoids "double taxation," ie., taxation on corporate profits and then taxation again when dividends are paid to the owners. Income passes through to the individual members of the LLC with only one taxable event. In this way, an LLC is treated similar to a partnership for federal income tax purposes. Your LLC will need to obtain a TIN (taxpayer identification number) using an SS-4 form (supplied with our company kit) or the TIN can be applied for online. The TIN will be required to open a bank account for the LLC.

Although Texas does not have a personal income tax, it does have a franchise tax (also called the margin tax) that is imposed on all "taxable entities." The statutory definition of a "taxable entity" can be found at Texas Tax Code Sec. 171.0002(b)(2), but it includes LLC's. The margin tax is basically a modified gross receipts tax, although some thresholds and deductions apply. A franchise tax return must be filed annually with Texas Comptroller.

Note that obtaining a TIN and filing tax returns are part of what an LLC must do in order to preserve its status as an independent entity with a liability barrier that protects its individual members.

Moving Property into the LLC

If possible, any investment property you may acquire should be acquired in the name of the LLC. Any and all investment property acquired or currently held in your personal name should be moved into the LLC by means of a general or special warranty deed without delay. Investors occasionally wonder if this is permitted by the lender if there is a "due on sale" clause in their deed of trust. This is usually not a problem. Go to our companion article Due on Sale Clauses in Texas for more information.

Use of Internet Services to Form Your LLC

NO serious businessman or investor would do this. Here is what such services do not provide:

NO comprehensive advice on how to structure your business and investments so as to achieve maximum asset protection

NO attorney to serve as organizer, initial member, and/or registered agent in order to maximize your anonymity

NO sophisticated company agreement that deters creditors from taking control of your company

NO advice on how to move property into the LLC after it is formed

NO advice on how to set up and arrange the LLC's finances, including setting up LLC accounts, injecting capital, and/or loaning money to the LLC

NO advice on how to maintain the LLC liability barrier to prevent a plaintiff from "piercing the corporate veil"

NO free follow-up questions after the LLC is formed

Additionally, the documents provided by such services are minimal in nature and not adequate for purposes of asset protection.


Every investor should consider having at least one LLC (although it is not a good idea to form more entities than are useful or necessary in carrying out an investor's business). For a summary of the core documents pertaining to LLC's - the Certificate of Formation, the Minutes of the First Meeting of Members, the Company Agreement, and annual and special meetings - see our companion article at our website, LLC Documents in Texas.


Information in this article is proved for general educational purposes only and is not offered as legal advice upon which anyone may rely. Legal counsel relating to your individual needs and circumstances is advisable before taking any action that has legal consequences. Consult your tax advisor as well. This firm does not represent you unless and until it is retained and expressly retained in writing to do so.

Copyright © 2009 by David J. Willis. David J. Willis is board certified in both residential and commercial real estate law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. More information is available at his web site, http://www.LoneStarLandLaw.com.

Virginia limited liability company | limited liability company Virginia

Massage Therapy School - Training And Information Guide.

Ah, do you know what would be good right now No, it's not a cheeseburger or a chocolate cake. Okay, well a chocolate cake would be rather choice, but I was referring to somewhat far from the food type. Possibly a massage. Have you ever taken the time to spoil in a wonderful massage I must admit it's one of my favorite experiences. There's just something about forged on a table and having your back kneaded ever so skillfully that helps me to relax. It's without a doubt, something every human being should try. Thank God for the ever-popular massage therapy school. That's right; a number of people are taking advantage of these as we speak. A massage therapy school can lead to a wonderful career. Can you imagine total silence and clam, soothing music with no boss yelling in your face If this sounds ideal, maybe it's time you looked into a massage therapy school in your area.

The concept of massage has become rather popular in recent times. Sure, it's been around for centuries, but these days we have a plethora of high-end salons and spas on every corner to satisfy our tired aching muscles. Just last month I stepped into the local salon and spa for a little R and R. I was lead down a winding staircase and toward a small door. After entering the serene room, my mind was set at ease as pleasant aromas tickled my nose. I soon fell into a perfect nirvana of stress-less relaxation. Yeah, I know it sounds like some David Lynch film However, this was my last experience with a masseuse. She even told me about the massage therapy school she attended in Cincinnati. Being the curious fellow that I am, I had to make a few inquiries. She told me that she loved the massage therapy school training and they actually helped place her with a job. You can hardly beat that. All I could think about was I'm jealous of her husband. I need a masseuse for a wife.

If you are interested in massage therapy school, you can easily hop online to check out a variety of options. There are virtually schools all over the country now days. You can also acquire the pay rates for massage specialists these days. Although it will vary from spa to spa, they do provide an average, which is pretty decent. Get your magic touch from a massage therapy school and start earning a living in a more peaceful atmosphere.

Fort Worth Yoga | Fort Worth massage

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Work at Home For Free - 3 Free Money Making Opportunities You Can Choose From

Do you want to learn how to literally work at home for free? Thanks to the power of the Internet and the many money making opportunities available online you can literally start making money without having to invest a penny. How is this possible?

The main reason this is possible is because of the Internet and the many opportunities out there. You have to also understand that you have something that is equal in value to money and this is your time. By simply dedicating your time to investigate the right way you can literally start to make money and start working from home for free.

Here are 3 money making opportunities that you can choose from:

#1 Free To Join Affiliate Programs

One of the most popular things to get involved with on the Internet are affiliate programs. These affiliate programs are great because they are free to join and all you have to focus on doing is promoting the product or service that the company that you decide to be part of offers. Your only responsibility is to promote the program.

#2 Free Test Drive Residual Income Opportunity

If you want to get started for free and be able to enjoy the income that make in the long-term as well as now then the best way to get started is going to be with a residual income opportunity that offers a free test drive for you to try out opportunity. This is going to require a little bit more work than getting involved in an affiliate program but the reward is going to be amazing because you'll continue to get paid month after month for your hard work and effort.

#3 Master Article Writer

If you honestly just want to invest your time and nothing else at all then the best way is going to be the dedicate time to become a master article writer. One of the biggest things that is on demand right now is good writers to write articles for people who do not have the time to write but want to get those things done in order to promote their business. There is a huge demand for this and all you have to do is become a master at it and put yourself in front of the people who want articles to be done.

Did you know that Global Domains International is the hottest way to make money online? Did you know you can start for FREE? Did you know that you are missing out on big money by sitting in your chair and not doing anything?

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Willox Perez is a 22 year old Internet entrepreneur who is revolutionizing the way most people make money today. He teaches simple techniques that anyone can use to put extra cash in their pockets from their homes.

You can get the Best Online Money Making Opportunities.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Yellow Pages India

Yellow Pages India has become a need for new and old occupational to progress and churn out more money. It also helps in cutting more time that is while looking for the wanted news conventionally. Yellow Pages India is an authentic corporate key on the internet currently as it and assists in more professional deals. All one has to do is type the name of the institute or sector that one needs, and its makes done your search with the target results of the business firm or institution you was looking for! The specifics will be there at the tick of the mouse. It offers a door to many industries, including show business, sports, technology and as well as free guide of assorted further businesses.

In yellow pages India, one can find info of all the kit that one is looking for. One just has to send in the request to the provision provider through a short code. The message will be to the use giver and you can get the intelligence instantly. Such is the power of communication that it does not takes more than few minutes to get admission
to information of any kind around any room you want. The basic idea of all this exploration rite providers is to allow you to be in control of a location, somewhat then a state of affairs control you. In fact, it provides evidence on hotels, shops, travel agents, restaurants, cinema complexes, hospitals, educational and fitness enters.

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Visit Philippine Business Directory an online yellow page in the Philippines.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sports Memorabilia Products Used As Unique Gifts

There are many entertainment events that have collectibles pieces attached to them. These items can be from baseball, football, boxing events, or they could be for specific sporting events where championships were won. People love to give sports memorabilia as unique gifts for their family and friends at Christmas and other holidays throughout the year.

Some people choose sports memorabilia as unique gifts because their loved one is a great fan of equestrian jockey, Steve Cauthen. They go in search of items in sports memorabilia, and might find a Steve Cauthen Hand Signed 8 x 10 photographs that shows Affirmed winning the Preakness Stakes. To that particular horse racing fan this would be an excellent choice of sports memorabilia products used as unique gifts.

Some other sports memorabilia products used as unique gifts can be found for rare concert photographs for bands that have ended their careers. One of the nicer sports memorabilia products used as unique gifts can be found in a Tommy Thayer Autographed KISS concert photo that is custom framed and contains the KISS nameplate on the bottom of the frame.

For truly unique and out of the ordinary sports memorabilia products used as unique gifts, a gift giver might choose to present their best friend, who is an avid White Sox fan with a champagne cork that came from the White Sox 2005 World Series locker room celebrations. Your friend will use this item no doubt as a great conversation piece when friends gather to watch the World Series year after year.

Some rare moments in the lives of many sports idols are presented as sports memorabilia products used as unique gifts. An avid boxing fan could truly appreciate receiving a Hand Signed Olympic Program from the greatest boxer that ever was, Mohammad Ali.

Other rare moments might be reflected in the actual gear that was worn by several celebrities during their career. Any sports memorabilia collector would love to receive a hand signed Everlast boxing shoe worn by Joe Frazier, or perhaps a autographed Official game softball that was used by Jennie Finch.

Some of the most memorabilia and rare sports memorabilia products used as unique gifts are actually pieces of historic structures that have long since been remodeled into a more efficient sports events areas. Perhaps Jim McMahon’s signature on a Soldier Field seatback, or Magic Johnson’s autographed in several sizes that are taken from the Los Angeles Forum floor would be exciting items that a collector would not mind at all adding to their collections.

Some people use sports memorabilia products used as unique gifts that they give themselves, to display in their home throughout the year. There are definitely collectible thoughts that went into the Miami Dolphins 1972 Perfect Season Team Coffee Table Book that was signed by the entire team.

Fans really treasure sports memorabilia products used as unique gifts because they are afforded the chance to finally own limited edition copies such as the Michael Jordan Autographed Chicago Bulls painting by Jolene Jessie that is attractively presented in a 12 x 12 shadow box. All friend and family members that get to view these types of treasures know that they would definitely enjoy getting any sports memorabilia products used as unique gifts.

DaVinci Emily Convertible Crib

Emily DaVinci crib

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Insurance and Hearing Aids

Insurance is important for everyone since it involves monetary benefits for the policy holder as long as one lives and the beneficiaries after the policy holder's death. Insurance is of many types life, education, future, retirement, medical, pension, vehicle and many more.

When one considers the medical insurance it is necessary to take into account what types of medical claims one is eligible to make. It is always quite confusing when taking a medical insurance since the terms varies from company to company. It is the same in the case of a medical insurance for the hearing impaired.

While hearing-aids are not covered under the medical insurance a cochlear implant is covered in the claim. The cochlea implant is a process that stimulates the cells of the inner ear and provides the required sound that a hearing impaired person needs to hear well. Since this includes a surgery the implant is covered under the insurance plan.

One would be curious to know why hearing-aids are not covered under insurance. The main reason is that there are many people who suffer with hearing impairment and almost everyone use hearing-aids. But that is not so with a cochlear implant. Few people opt for this surgery.

Hearing-aids today are quite expensive if one wants to get the best and the latest in style and technology. Not everyone could afford a proper hearing aid and hence go in for cheap models which most of the time do not last long or do not fit properly. In such cases since hearing-aids are not covered under insurance it is better to settle for a one time payment and get a cochlear implant, especially if the patient is young.

It is always best to use hearing aids if one is suffering from hearing loss, or get a cochlear implant if they are very young. In the case of senior citizens they would prefer to settle for hearing aids insurance or not. Whatever the reason be, if people find it difficult to get new hearing aids there are hearing aid banks available that sell them at a cheap rate.


Digital Hearing Aids

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tips For Hearing Aid Batteries

Each year, thousands of people in the United States suffering some degree of hearing loss, be it a mild inability to understand conversations, to experiencing near silences. Many people use digital hearing aids to enhance their ear's ability to hear sound, and with these devices comes the responsibility of making sure they work. Often, this means using good hearing aid batteries and making certain they work.

For people who wear hearing aids, it may be an inconvenience to constantly replace batteries. However, if you know what to do to keep your batteries working and useful, you can ensure a long working range for your hearing aid. Here are just a few tips to help your hearing at high quality.

Keep battery tabs on when not in use Especially if you use zinc-air batteries, it is important to keep these tabs on when a battery is not being used. Removing the tab causes the oxygen in the air to contact the zinc, thereby triggering the battery. Leaving the tab off an unused battery can therefore deplete it.

Always carry extra hearing aid batteries On average, the typical hearing aid battery lasts approximately two weeks. The smaller the battery, naturally, the less power it contains. Therefore, if you travel often or are away from home for long periods, it is recommended to always keep hearing aid batteries handy so you can replace as needed. Keep the batteries in a case or their packaging, as loose batteries in a pocket or coin purse can be shorted out or depleted when in contact with metal objects. Store at room temperature and try to keep batteries out of hot areas, like the dashboard of a car.

Prevent moisture buildup in your hearing aid If you take out your hearing aid at night, it is recommended to ventilate the battery compartment so no moisture fills the space and causes damage.

As always, when there are pets and young children around, make sure any loose batteries are kept out of reach. Discard old batteries immediately, or contact your hearing aid specialist for information on battery recycling. Remembering these few tips can help make your hearing easier and more enjoyable.

Robert Hutchcraft is owner of Advanced Hearing Technologies, provider of quality digital hearing aids and repair services. AHT offers hearing device assistance and services throughout the Ohio Valley, in Virginia, and online at AdvancedHearingTechnologies.com.

Hearing Aid Repair High Point NC

The History of Shrinking Hearing Aids

When you think of hearing aids, what do you picture? Maybe an image of Beethoven comes to mind, with an ear trumpet placed against a piano. Ear trumpets were the first form of hearing aid to be commercially produced. They operated by concentrating sound waves from a large area, and focusing those waves into the ear canal. They were remarkably adept at this function, given that they contained no moving parts. However, they were a cumbersome solution the problem of being unable to hear. After all, who wants to take a foot long funnel with them everywhere they go? I can't speak for anyone else, but this author would rather not.

With advances in electronics, new forms of hearing aids were developed. One of the first used a cord connecting a box the size of a pack of cards to a mold that fit within the ear. These hearing aids were dubbed the body assisted hearing aid. The sound was actually picked up by the box. The box itself could be worn on a belt, and the cord could be routed up to the ear underneath clothing. Still, the visual impact of this device was fairly large in comparison to what was to follow.

The most common form of hearing aid for several decades was a behind the ear aid. In this setup, a small device was placed behind an ear to pick up sound. The device operated similarly to the larger box in the body assisted hearing aid. Instead of a cord running all the way up from your waist, these aids ran a small tube over the top of the ear and into the ear canal, where it was connected to a small speaker which would relay the sounds directly into the inner ear. It worked much more effectively than the body assisted aids because it had a smaller tube length, which led to less distortion.

Advances in technology have allowed us to replace the tube, which was originally about the diameter of a straw, with a tiny wire that is all but invisible to onlookers. The analogue transmission methods originally used have also been replaced by digital transmission, which cuts down on the "fake" sound that was caused by hearing everything through a tube.

Still more compact than the behind the ear hearing aids are the in-ear variety. These aids fit entirely within the outer ear canal, and are often invisible to anyone who isn't looking directly into your ear. They omit the entire transmission process as the same bit of machinery is both receiver and transmitter. They are among the least visible hearing aids around, and they can even be made to only fit into part of the ear canal, so that those with only partial frequency hearing loss can still hear other frequencies normally.

The technologies available now are a far cry from lugging around a trumpet to stick into your head. This is something that anyone who could use a hearing aid is thankful for. After all, hearing loss is a delicate issue for many. The less impact a hearing aid presents socially, the happier the wearer is.

Jennifer R. Scott has been writing for over ten years on a broad range of topics. She has a background that includes such diverse areas as environmentalism, cooking, pet care, and fashion. If you'd like more information on hearing augmentation, please visit Hearing Aids, a supplier of hearing aids, batteries, and more.

Hearing Aid Repair High Point NC

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why Put Up With Back Pain? Visit a Chiropractor!

If you’ve ever pulled a muscle in your back, or put a rib out of place, you’ll know how irritating and painful it can be. But did you know that, if left untreated, a back injury can cause permanent damage?

Often, when someone pulls a muscle or injures their back in some way, they will go to the drugstore or the doctor and pick up some medication. Now, there may not be anything wrong with taking medication to help numb the pain, but medication on its own will not fix the problem. That’s why, on the back of the bottle, it will say, “Take no more than 4 or 6 pills in a 24-hour period”; because the pharmaceutical company knows the medication will wear off and you will need to take more! The best thing to do when you have injured your back is to make an appointment with a chiropractor.

Many people are intimidated by chiropractors because they don’t know what chiropractors do. Chiropractors are back doctors: they have studied everything there is to know about your back, and they will be able to give you the best advice and treatment for back injuries. There are various treatments a chiropractor may give you, including adjusting your back by applying pressure, using acupuncture or laser acupuncture, and applying heat or cold to the injured area.

The next time you injure your back, by pulling a muscle for example, think about what damage that injury might do if you cover it up with medication. The irritated area will cause muscles surrounding it to tighten and to work harder to make up for the injury. Over time, this can cause damage to a larger part of your back, putting you in more pain than you were in before.

Take the time to look up the phone number of a local chiropractor, either in the phone book or on the Internet. Or, ask one of your friends to recommend a chiropractor. After you have attended your first appointment, you will realize how helpful the chiropractor is, and how he or she will take the time to discuss your situation personally and design the best healing plan for you. It’s worth it to make this effort; you will save yourself pain and will give your back the care it needs.

Chiropractor Manipulation

Chiropractic Service

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Should Be Done With Cost Of Hearing Aids?

Cost of hearing aids is so much that if often leaves a person wondering "Is it really so bad to become deaf?" The cost of hearing aids goes out of the affordability range for many. Since it is a big investment, so it requires a careful assessment like you would estimate for purchasing any major thing, such as a vehicle or a house.

High Price And Supply-Demand Phenomenon

In the long run of life, you experience a fluctuation in the prices of different things. This fluctuation depends upon the "supply and demand" phenomena. More is the demand more is the price. In addition, increasing price of any thing depends upon its quality. In this way the companies are earning profit. Same is the case with hearing devices. The manufacturing companies focus on the quality of these devices enable them for long term use. Making quality hearing devices is a source of high profit.

VLSI In Hearing Aids

People usually feel well with the things, which are big in size because if something is big in size, it will be more visible. But this visibility becomes weak in case of electronic devices. It is due to the VLSI (very large scale integration) of electronic devices. As a result the electronic devices have been reduced in size and hence their visibility is decreasing. Since the people cannot see the hearing aids devices easily due to their small size.

Auditory aiding devices are made according to specifications of the needs, a big factor which results in high cost of hearing aids. Just imagine the vehicles, which are not made for a specific group of people. If different cars were made for people of different physique, then it would definitely increase the prices of all vehicles. Hearing aids are not like a rubber stamp, which can be made easily. It is the painstaking effort and research of engineers that these device come into existence to increase the hearing power. In fact you do not buy only the device but also paying for the time spent by the engineers and thus high cost of hearing aids.

High Cost Of Hearing Aids: Substitute Is Possible

There is no need to worry if one cannot pay high cost of hearing aids. One can always avail other options. Used hearing devices could be an option, but these should be according to your requirements. Cost of hearing aids is considerably less if they are big in size and rest behind the ears as compared to expensive small sized devices, which are placed inside the ears. Similarly if you are some ex service person, then you have to pay on concession for your hearing aids. Your health insurance company can also pay some part of the cost of hearing aids. You can also give online order by sending a mail to some vendor for your hearing aids. Yet you have one choice that if you become deaf from one ear then purchase only one hearing aid. By availing these options, you can pay less cost of hearing aids up to some extent.

Hearing Aid Costs

Factors to Consider Prior to Buying a Hearing Aid

List Building and a Profitable Opt-In List!

In building your keyword list, you want to "get into your customer's head". Therefore, you have to approach building a list with a tool like Desktop Lightning as a long-term process. Do you want to find out how the affiliate marketer mentioned above, started building an email list and stopped losing money? This site consists of a landing page to collect email addresses, a package of products that teach about building an email list, and a few pages with articles I've written about building an email list.

Building a profitable opt-in list does not just happen overnight. Building a mailing list for your niche market is a painstaking and time consuming process. BUT, if you want to start building a list quickly, here's one technique that works. Find one or two in the areas of Internet Marketing you need help with: SEO, Mini Sites, Affiliate Marketing, List Building, Google AdSense/AdWords, Copy Writing, etc.

You'll save time and money by building a prioritized list of those reasons, understanding must-haves and trade-offs, and using that list to spec, evaluate, plan and build a VMS solution tailored to your business. Building a mail list manually is not easy, it can be done, but you have to work at it everyday, adding names - addresses - phone- numbers etc, it is a lot of hard work, and it was just a pain to keep up to date, and then if you wanted to do a promotion it meant preparing a sales letter, then getting it printed, stuffing the sales letter into envelopes, paying for the postage, phew, it was a huge amount of work.

Building a list gives you opportunities to sell to the same customers over and over again. Start building your optin email list in an area in which you have some knowledge. If you're a smart article marketer, you don't consider your list building and article marketing project complete until you have thanked key online editors, and invited them to discuss other marketing opportunities.

Generating traffic, nor building an Opt-In list, nor is it finding products to market and it's not a lack of Cash. JV Your List-Building: Small List - Ok, if your existing list isn't large enough to warrant a cross JV mailing as described above, here's a clever way to build your list up quickly. Your list is vital to building your business. The well known guru Mark Joyner has been known to sit back for7 to 9 months, building his list and cautiously targeting his audience, giving away freebies and bonuses.

Consider the double opt--in method you are in the early stages of building your list or want to increase to your existing list. Not only does building a website give you the opportunity to build a list, set you apart from your competitors and allow you to offer more value to your visitors, but it also (and very importantly) gives you the option (which you should take advantage of - by the way) of marketing more than just one affiliate product/program. There are many nuances and very effective initiatives that could be added to this list, as well, but these provide a good starting point for building stronger results. When you click through to the webpage you will see that I am building a list.

The Best Way to Find Gay Love and Sex

To have a homosexual kind of relationship is as a result of some influence regarding love and sex. I do not think that a person who is attracted to girls can be a gay. You become a gay because you are romantically comfortable with people of your gender. Love and sex are great gifts of choice. You choose who to love and who to have sex with. Gay love and sex sometimes can be limited because of the public opinion. If you are a man and you want to love a girl, you will exactly do that because you can use your eyes to see that she is female. There are even commercial sex workers who are there to offer sex services to heterosexual people. What happens when you are a gay who wants to enjoy that rare service? There is no magic bullet to pair up people.

You can find gay men who are interested in romance very easily. The almost sure way is through online gay dating sites or chat rooms. You can browse through the many profiles and look for the man who best suits your requirements. You should also remember to state the circumstances for serious romance. Dance clubs or lounges can also be wonderful places to find gay love and sex. Gay men have been said to hate clubs but there are those party enthusiasts who would never miss a dancing event. There are less intimidating clubs for all types of men. Gay men also hang out with straight men but it is also easy to spot them from a far.

The fairly tales we read as children made us to believe that there are possibilities such as a prince riding on a white horse showing up on your front door to save your day. The chances of having a smiling delivery man handing you a date invitation is not zero but quite slim. However we have heard stories about meeting the love of your life at the kiosk, car wash or the coffee joint among other places. These are not fake stories because in your every day activities you can find gay love and sex. This is because gay men carryout the same errands as straight people do and there are more chances of bumping into one than sleeping at home. If you are a gay living in a small town, this can be a very effective approach.

Listen to your friends because they have a way for you to meet gay love and sex. Referrals act best when they are from a trusted friend, coworkers or relatives. If you are an experienced gay, an introduction can grow into a wonderful romantic gay relationship. If a friend says "I suspect one of my colleagues at work is gay". Be quick to act and say something like "can you arrange for us to meet?" It is not necessarily that you will love them or they will like you but you should find solace in the fact that they must be knowing other gay friends. Through this kind of networking there are higher possibilities of finding gay love and sex.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Gay Love And Sex [http://www.tomydate.com/dating59.php] Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Gay Love And Sex [http://www.tomydate.net/?p=860]

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Hemochromatosis Tips to Live By

Hemochromatosis is the number one killer of genetic diseases.

But not to worry. You don't have to become a statistic. Just take the following suggestions to heart and you will most likely be okay.

Tannin can be a big help in reducing the amount of iron your body takes in.

Most herbal teas do not contain tannin. Dark teas such as oolong and 'Green Tea' do have it.

Personally I like to make a bunch of green tea, decaf of course, put it in the fridge, and drink a bit with every meal.

If it wasn't decaf I would be up all night. The tea with the tannin will slow down your iron absorption and is all around good for ya.

Watch your vitamin C intake. Vitamin C will help move the iron around to your organs and we don't want that.

I have also heard that calcium slows down iron absorbtion too. So a little cottage cheese with meals may help.

Make sure your vitamins don't have iron or vitamin C.

You should not drink any high vitamin C juices at least 3 hours before or after a meal.

Hemochromatosis sufferers are 32% more likely to have a stroke. I don't know who came up with that number. But I like to take Omega3 fatty acids. A little stroke and heart attack prevention can't hurt.

Drink lots of water to help keep your blood thin.

If you go for a phlebotomy and your blood is too thick and keeps coagulating in the tube, the nurse may try to give you heparin, a powerful agent that interferes with the bodys normal clotting process. Not good. I just say no. I come back after drinking a ton of water. Seems to work. Alfalfa sprouts and onions are good blood thinners too.

Milk Thistle. I take it everyday.

Milk thistle extract [silymarin] might still be controversial by some medical pros. I have no doubt about the powerful liver protecting benefits of milk thistle. My results have been real good. The old liver seems to be doing it's job again.

Alcohol is one of the most harmful liver toxins on the planet. Milk thistle extract can have a dramatic effect limiting alcohol damage. Good stuff.

I use basic common sense and never indulge in any food or snack that has been fortified with iron or vitamin C.

I have been using the same vein for nearly 10 years. It is getting a bit scarred and not delivering the blood too well now. When switching veins I have discovered that the closer the needle gets to your wrist, the more painful it is.

I try to stay as high up the arm as possible. Seems to be less nerves up there and is not nearly as painful.

One more quick tip: Never eat food that has been cooked in cast iron. Iron from the pan will soak into the food and do more damage to your body.

I almost forgot to mention that iron is used to deliver oxygen to our brain. So the more you exercise, the more oxygen you need. The more oxygen that is delivered, more iron is depleted from your body. A walk around the block can do wonders in many ways.

Warren suffers from genetic hemochromatosis. He put this site together to help save lives. Everything related to hemochromatosis. Articles and books. An absolute authority on this killer disease. Many doctors have no idea.

Learn more about Hemochromatosis

Phlebotomy Certification | Phlebotomist Training

Friday, March 26, 2010

Greg Reyes - Possessing a Good Character in Doing the Right Things

I write this letter as a son, a husband, and a father of three great children. My wife and I participate in many charities, primarily focused on helping abused or under-privileged children, and abused or sexually assaulted mothers. We also raise bison in Colorado and annually donate bison to Native American tribes that are interested in re-starting a bison herd. I also write this letter as a 22 year veteran and Executive in the high-technology industry.

Greg Reyes and I met roughly three years ago. I have known of Greg and have worked for a business partner of Brocade for the past nine years. We share many of the same friends and I was introduced to Greg socially by one of these mutual friends. My conversations with Greg over the past couple of years have focused on Greg's family, who I have been lucky enough to spend time with, and the impact the case was having on his family.

My impression of Greg is as a great husband, great son, a great father, and good, solid friend to many. From a business perspective, Greg was part of the leadership of a complete category within the data storage industry, the storage area network.

The allegations of this case have been surprising to me regarding the implications of Greg's character. In every discussion I have had with Greg, it is clear that Greg possesses a strong character to always attempt to do what is right as a husband, as a father, and in business.

Based on the facts presented during this case, it is tough for me to understand who the actual Victims are. It feels to me that the people receiving the greatest negative impact art Greg and his family. Respectfully, I ask that as you consider the sentencing in this case, that compassion to the impact to Greg and his family is a strong considering factor.

Gregory Reyes

Barcelona – A Fast Guide to One of the Best Cities in Europe

Barcelona City is the capital of the independent community of Catalonia in the northeastern part of Spain. It lies on the Mediterranean coast and it owns a population of 1,593,075 citizens. It’s concluded that the Carthaginian speaker and legislator Hamilcar Barca, the father of Hannibal, primarily endowed the city. In the past time, the city has been under the jurisdiction of the Napoleonic French Empire, the Moors, the Romans and the Visigoths. Following the decline of Napoleon, the city was brought back to the Spanish regimen. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Catalan nationalists started the struggle for independent rule, which was eventually allowed in 1978 coming after the death of Franco.

Barcelona’s exquisite history is distinct in countless streets of the city. Tourists may stroll those delighting, twisting streets of Barri Gotic – the delicate medieval city mainstream. The City as well treasures a fascinating Gothic Quarter, location of the astonishing architectures such as the Church of Santa Maria del Pi and the Cathedral of Santa Eulalia. For those impressed in various new building, Barcelona is spotted with the breathtaking creation of the late Barcelona citizen, Antoni Gaudí. A few examples of Antoni Gaudí’s creation are the Palau Güell mansion along with the Parc Güell that are both proclaimed by UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Barcelona city is a bustling, up-to-date metropolis wherein visitors are assured a glimpse of the entertaining city life if they traverse down the busy tree lined walkway called the La Rambla. People looking for much relaxing look at life in the city, a travel to the Gàrcia area provides several cafes to watch the world go by quietly. Barcelona also treasures astounding boardwalks and beaches, where the tourists as well as the natives can appreciate the sunshine.

Barcelona is home of well-known zoo that keeps an outstanding conservation record that is why it is one of the best cities in Europe.

Need guide? you better check this sites Spain guide or http://www.spain-travel-guide.de/spainbarcelona.html

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Barbie Makes A Comeback

For those with other things in their life besides controversial plastic dolls, Barbie has had a rough time of it in the last few years. For almost five decades, Barbie has been the leading icon of fashion the world over. But in an instant all that changed. The classic good looks, multiple vehicles and dream houses weren't good enough - new fashion dolls had arrived in a big way.


The four teenage dolls who dressed in urban fashions offered something new to girls looking for updated playthings. Barbie might be a modern princess, but these four girls were "real." Bratz had an edge that Barbie simply couldn't compete with, and that was a dramatic shift in 2001, after four decades of essentially no competition in the fashion doll marketplace.

Barbie Stumbles...But Recovers

Hit by an urban onslaught, Barbie didn't have much of an initial response. The same style of doll had been updated over the years to reflect current styles and current demographics, but even the different styles of Barbie still maintained a more preppy look. Bratz weren't preppy, and they weren't always sweet and helpful. Not only are Bratz slightly younger, and therefore more appropriate for youthful styles, they are stealing away girls who have always wanted something edgier from Barbie.

Barbie felt the sting of rejection as sales of the popular doll slumped thirty percent in the United States in three years. But Barbie wasn't out of the game just yet. Not only did she still have a huge fan base including girls of all ages, she also had a great deal of fighting spirit. In 2004 Barbie broke up with Ken to try out the singles scene.

The split did the couple well as Ken underwent some changes and came back more attractive and stylish than ever. The changes made many curious about a renewed romance, but publicists for Barbie at least deny a new relationship. Then, possibly seeing the benefits a make-over, Barbie has one herself. Her wardrobe expands and her looks change slightly in 2007. The interest over Ken and now a revamped Barbie started the blonde's comeback.

The Fight Intensifies

Barbie isn't moving out of the top position without a solid fight, and so far she's not pulling any punches. In fact, Bratz might be feeling the heat. In 2005, Bratz manufacturer MGA Entertainment sued Mattel over the My Scenes dolls, of which Barbie was a part. The lawsuit is still pending, and the My Scene dolls are already fading in favor of other doll lines, but Mattel left no question that the Bratz couldn't simply arrive without resistance.

Not only are new doll lines being created to compete with each other, Barbie is continuing her comeback online. Barbie games on the internet are giving Barbie new grounds to reach fans and expand her fan base. Girls who might not enjoy an actual Barbie doll are playing dress up games with Barbie online and loving it. Online versions of Barbie have endless wardrobe possibilities and unlimited accessories. New styles are released daily and no plastic doll can compete with that.

Barbie Games


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Infections and Your Child's Hearing

Ear infections are a highly common part of the childhood experience; in the US, about 75% of children contract at least one before the age of three. Some children are especially prone to this problem due to abnormalities of the Eustachian tube (which connects the inner ear to the throat) or the fact that their immune systems are less developed than average.

These conditions can cause pain, a blocked or "full" feeling in the air, and reduced hearing ability. While all of these symptoms are usually temporary and leave when the illness is treated, severe or multiple infections can have long-term effects.

Types of Ear Infections

While people of any age can suffer from bacteria or viral infections in any part of the ear, these conditions most frequently affect young children. Some of the more common kinds include:

  • Otitis media with effusion - If you have ever heard the term "fluid in the ear," the speaker was actually referred to OME. This condition occurs when fluid begins to collect in the middle ear, the area between the external ear and the cochlea where the small bones (ossicles) that allow hearing are located. OME can be the result of a viral respiratory infection, a bacterial infection, or it may have no particular cause. It generally does not cause any pain or other symptoms. If the fluid builds up for too long, it may become infected and cause permanent damage to the ear drum (the membrane between the ossicles and the cochlea).
  • Acute otitis media - This is a bacterial infection of the middle ear, which may cause swelling and a buildup of pus that could block hearing. It is often accompanied by pain and sometimes a low-level fever. It can generally be treated with antibiotics. In rare, severe cases, permanent damage to the middle ear may result.
  • Viral respiratory infections - In some cases, head colds, the flu, or other respiratory diseases can reach the inner ear through the Eustachian tube. Without prompt treatment, they can affect the cochlea, a small fluid-filled organ that plays a vital role in hearing. The resulting damage may fade over time or may be permanent.

While other kinds of illnesses can affect the ears, these basic categories include most of the more common example.

Protecting Your Child

Remember, the odds of your child losing his or her hearing due to illness are rare; there is no need to panic or become paranoid. However, if your child is showing symptoms of an ear infection - complaining of pain in the ears, frequently rubbing or pulling on the ears, failure to acknowledge speech or other sounds - take him or her to a qualified pediatrician as soon as you can.

Best Hearing Aid

Causes of Hearing Loss

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hearings aids for home living

There are a number of products which can be purchased to make living at home easier for the hard of hearing. Below are examples of such products.

Wake up alarms
Door lights
Smoke Alarms
Phone signallers

Alarms to wake up the user

It is common practice to remove hearing aids at night prior to sleeping. It may therefore be necessary to have an alarm clock which caters for the heard of hearing. Such alarms use different systems to wake the user including flashing lights, vibration and loud sounds. Depending on the users level of hearing one of the systems may be more suitable than the other. The vibrating system can be placed under the pillow or mattress.

Door Alarms to signal a visitor.

If the user hearing aids are of or turned down then a door alarm will be required. The most common system uses lights to make the user aware of a visitor. Other systems are wireless and use a pager to inform the user that they have a visitor.

Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are a very important safety feature that will emit a very loud sound or flashing lights to inform the user of the danger. A single alarm can be connected to several receivers, which can be placed in all the rooms of the house to inform the user wherever they are. Such systems can be installed professionally or purchased in a plug in form.

Telephone Phone Signallers

To inform the user that the telephone is ringing a phone signallers can be installed which operates by a flashing light or very loud ringing. The system is connected to the telephone line and then connecting a light to the signaller, which then flashes when a call is received. Remote systems are also available to transmit the phone signal to other rooms.

Hearing Aid Styles

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wholesale & Import Sterling Silver Jewelry - Top 6 Factors That Determine Cost

If you're considering a business in jewelry as an importer, wholesaler, or retailer, understanding the costs of that jewelry is critical. Having this knowledge allows you to better appraise pieces you purchase and avoid being ripped off by those offering over-priced or fake jewelry. This article pertains specifically to the costs associated with the creation, distribution, and marketing of sterling silver jewelry.

Demand Driven Costs

Every year, 650 million ounces of silver gets mined from countries like Canada, Australia, Mexico, Peru, and the United States, with more coming from scrap recycling and investor trading. In 2001, 24% of the silver was used in photography, while 33% was used in jewelry, 40% for industrial uses, and only 3% for coins and medals. Within these categories, silver is used in a myriad of ways; from circuits in electronics, as anti-bacterial treatments in medicine, and is even sprinkled on food as decoration.

As a result of this supply and demand from competing industries, the last century has seen tremendous fluctuations in the price of silver. Prices saw an all-time high in 1980, when it reached $49.45 U.S. dollars per Troy ounce.

Precious Metal Costs

While less expensive than gold and platinum, jewelry pieces made from silver still sell for a high premium on the market. The first cost associated with sterling silver jewelry is the cost of silver. The current cost per ounce is around $16.00 U.S. dollars, having risen sharply in the past few years. The base cost of the metal used is usually only a fraction of the costs that go into creating and delivery a piece of jewelry to the end customer.

Costs of Extra Material

Silver is often not the only component used in Sterling Silver Jewelry. The addition of Crystals, Pearls, Jade or other stones will increase the final cost of the piece. Many silver pieces also come coated with other more expensive metals, such as Platinum, Gold, or Rhodium, either to add tarnish resistance or improve shine.

Costs of Labor

Jewelry pieces are handled by a person at one point or another, often for the more delicate tasks of design. Everything from setting the stones and creating the finish are part of the significant processing costs associated with turning a piece of silver into jewelry. Such labor costs are heavily influenced by where the jewelry is made. Thus, in countries with higher labor costs, jewelry production is usually more expensive regardless of whether the pieces are of higher quality or better design.

Overhead costs

The creation of jewelry and its distribution is a business that incurs costs like any other business. These costs are offset by the profit made selling the product. The jewelry manufacturer sells at a price to cover the costs of business overhead, such as machinery, staff, sales, and marketing, as well as turn a profit. This process occurs again down the supply chain when the importer, distributor, or retailer must sell the item at a price where these costs can be recouped and a profit made. The importer will have to factor in shipping and customs duty costs involved with getting the jewelry into the country, while a distributor may have to add costs for warehousing and storing the pieces. The final retailer will often have costs of running a brick and mortar location and advertising to customers.

Marketing and Branding Costs

A final cost worth separating from standard overhead costs involves the branding and marketing of certain collections. A sterling silver piece from Tiffany's will cost more than one from Walmart. Such costs are the result of the time and money the brand holders have put into their brand.

To learn more about Wholesale Imported Sterling Silver Jewelry, visit Wholesale of Asia at http://wholesaleofasia.com/, where you'll find a diverse collection of jewelry, including Wholesale Sterling Silver, Precious Stone, Pearl, Jade, and Customized Jewelry, all at a low cost and imported directly from manufacturers worldwide. Get an edge over competition and increase your bottom line today!

Note: Article may be freely circulated if all content, author info, and links remain unchanged.

About the Author:

Since 2006, Lee Shyu has helped businesses connect with Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesalers, and Retailers worldwide. His business is based in the United States and sources a wide selection of products, including Jewelry and Gifts, for small to mid-sized businesses looking to expand their product lines and increase their competitiveness in today's global marketplace.

If you're a woman who loves Silver Rings check out Silver Jewelry Emporium!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2 Step Marketing

Do it Right.

I receive postcards all the time. The other day I received a postcard trying to sell me a copy machine. It had tiny, tiny lettering slathered all over the front and a large portion of the back of the card.

It was extremely hard to read, so hard in fact that I threw it away.

Several days later I received a postcard with 32 words on it telling me that I could get complete information on unrestricted long distance telephone service for 5.5 cents a minute with no additional monthly fee by calling the 800 number on the card.

I did call. I got the information, had my questions answered and ordered my long distance service changed.
The company who offered me the long distance service was using a time tested 2 step selling process:

Step 1. Generate a lead - Get me to call their 800 number.

Step 2. Provide the requested information - Provided to me on the phone by one of their sales representatives, who was able to answer my questions and make me feel confident that I could save quite a bit of money on my long distance bill and that the service would be as good or better.

What's So Good About 2 Steps?

It is much easier to create interest (a lead) than it is to get a person through an entire buying process (a sale).

You aren't getting the prospect or existing customer to part with any money just yet.

You can use postcards to inexpensively promote to your target prospects and customers and generate leads (inquiries about your products and services) to then be followed up on and converted to sales.

This 2 step process also helps you to create a list of people who were interested enough in what you offered to contact you.

You can then recontact the one's who you didn't complete a sale with when they first inquired, preferably until they do buy from you.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to get the information you will need to recontact the people who responded to your postcard offering.

Repetitive follow-ups with the people who contacted you will result in increased sales. Make it a company policy to follow up with those people who contacted you about your products and services.

The Most Effective Use of Postcards:

The purpose of your postcard's message is to generate a sufficient level of interest in the mind of your prospect to get him/her to contact you to ask you about your offer.

You are generating interest, not collecting their money (not yet anyway). That is what the 2 step marketing process is about. Generating interested prospects and customers who contact you for more information.

Your message needs 3 parts to be most effective:

1. A clear statement of the biggest benefit of your product or service (in the long distance example, it was cost savings).

2. A good reason for them to contact you NOW.

3. A simple, easy way for them to respond (an 800 number for example).

Your message should be short and to the point. Short messages on postcards produce more leads than long ones.

For example:

Call 800-555-1212 for Your Copy of Our Free Report:

What 99% of Business Owners Don't Know and Will Never Find Out About Using Postcards to Explode Their Profits

Offer ends 5-5-01 (Print a date 3 weeks from your mailing date to create some urgency)

Lots of people will respond to find out what they might not know. Don't forget, they responded, which is least some interest in the information you have created a curiosity about.

This method works and is sure to produce a large number of inquiries if sent to your proper market.

This 2 Step Marketing Process Works.

Use the tips you have read here to create your next postcard's message and see what happens.

You will generate a bunch of leads from people who are truly interested in your products and services.

Get Discount Business Cards Here

For Discount Business Cards Online

Friday, February 19, 2010

Living With an Alcoholic

When you live with an alcoholic the situation can range from instability to physical abuse. At the least you will constantly be on edge because the alcoholic you live with is so unpredictable. You don't know what to expect. You don't know if the alcoholic will come home drunk or if he or she will come home at all. The one thing you do know is counting on an alcoholic is not a good idea. And living with an alcoholic is very taxing on the non-drinker because it is so all-consuming and stressful, and wears tremendously on your self esteem. If you live with an alcoholic for any length of time, chances are you don't have your own life anymore.

The person living with the alcoholic needs to understand that an alcoholic with a true addiction to alcohol is unable to stop drinking because of a physical and psychological addiction. This is very real and makes alcohol a formidable adversary. The alcohol is running the show, not the drinker and this is what normal people don't grasp. Alcoholism is chronic, meaning it never goes away. Even when an alcoholic stops drinking for good, it still lurks in the background somewhere. In spite of that, with help, many drinkers can successfully stop.

In A.A. literature there is a statement that people view the alcoholic with mingled pity and contempt. The assumption by normal people is that alcoholism is a moral deficiency or weakness of character. Closer to the truth is alcoholism is probably genetic, and combining genes with an environment that promotes alcohol, the resulting alcoholism is almost inevitable.

So here you are. You are living with an alcoholic. What are your options?

First, know the fact is that the percentage of alcoholics who recover without help is very low, probably in the single digits, and few can pull it off. In addition to that, it has been proven time after time that the alcoholic will be unable to stop drinking for you, his or her family or anyone else. They have to get help and they have to stop for themselves. Until they reach this point the drinking will continue.

If you elect to stick it out you can attend meetings for codependents in your area that exist to teach you how to stop covering for your alcoholic and how to distance yourself from your alcoholic's behavior and get on with your life.

So when will the drinker you live with stop drinking? Getting help is always the first step.

You can stop drinking and it doesn't have to be painful. Visit us at:


Living with an alcoholic is very taxing on the non-drinker because it is so all-consuming and stressful, and wears tremendously on your self esteem. Visit http://www.livingwithanalcoholic.org for some dos and don'ts

Cheap Or Discounted Hearing Aids

Discount hearing aids

Hearing aids are the boon to the hearing impaired patients. New technology and system has provided the best to the patients. But earlier it was such that only the one who was rich was able to get reach of these hearing aids. But with the new era and lessen of difference between the rich and the poor, things are in the reach of the people. Discount hearing aids also provide hearing aids at a discount to the people who are not able to get the expensive hearing aids for themselves. It also provides free hearing tests to the patient and their family members.

Suitability of the hearing aids

Hearing aids should be such that it fulfills every needs of the customer, right from the hearing and durability purposes to the price of the hearing aid. There come in market a lot of hearing aids, which are of good quality and also of high price. But is not required that only these products of high rate are good enough and durable. There also comes quality in a cheaper price. For your health price should not be a concern. There are various products which are cheap and of good quality and keeps you in a safer side. They are Waterproof hearing aids, Ear mold tubing, Wraps, Headbands and Dehumidifiers. There are many a companies who provide the patients with the hearing aids with a discount.

Necessity of hearing aids

Although one can survive with just one ear, life is ever so much easier and pleasant when we have both the ears functioning properly. Getting a hearing aid is required and is advantageous. While wearing two hearing aids one can better locate the sources of the sounds. This ability to locate the sources of sounds in three-dimensional space is called localization. Our brain uses three auditory factors namely, the slight difference in time it takes for a given sound to reach each ear; the difference in the loudness of a given sound as heard in each ear, and; the slight difference in the pitch of a given sound as heard in each ear. This helps in locating where the sounds are coming from. It works because the head is an obstacle to sound waves. The extra time sound needs to cross the head and reach the ear, which results in a slight delay in time.

Cheap hearing aids

Cheap Hearing Aids has behind the ear hearing aids. It provides canal hearing aids also at wholesale prices for children, adults, and seniors. Cheap hearing aids provides with a scheme of save hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars while buying hearing aid devices direct, and receive a full warranty and free lifetime batteries with the most complete hazard warranty in the hearing aid industry. Hearing aids are used for mild to moderate to severe hearing loss by millions of people worldwide. Children, adults, and seniors have benefited thanks to hearing aid technology. Anyone who is hearing impaired will benefit from the huge discounts provided on behind the ear and in the canal hearing devices. Hearing health is very important. Cheap hearing aids provide the products of the same quality in the cheaper or wholesale rate of what you get in the expensive market.

Other products by cheap hearing aids

Hearing aids should be such that it fulfills every needs of the customer, right from the hearing and durability purposes to the price of the hearing aid. There come in market a lot of hearing aids, which are of good quality and also of high price. But is not required that only these products of high rate are good enough and durable. There also comes quality in a cheaper price. For your health price should not be a concern. There are various products which are cheap and of good quality and keeps you in a safer side. They are Waterproof hearing aids, Ear mold tubing, Wraps, Headbands and Dehumidifiers.

Reason to wear a hearing aid

Although one can survive with just one ear, life is ever so much easier and pleasant when we have both the ears functioning properly. Getting a hearing aid is required and is advantageous. While wearing two hearing aids one can better locate the sources of the sounds. This ability to locate the sources of sounds in three-dimensional space is called localization. Our brain uses three auditory factors namely, the slight difference in time it takes for a given sound to reach each ear; the difference in the loudness of a given sound as heard in each ear, and; the slight difference in the pitch of a given sound as heard in each ear. This helps in locating where the sounds are coming from. It works because the head is an obstacle to sound waves. The extra time sound needs to cross the head and reach the ear, which results in a slight delay in time.

Hearing Aid Styles

How To Clean Hearing Aids

The advantages of using motorcycle helmet

Accidents are a thing that we are not expecting and there are lots of stories on how Motorcycle helmet have helped us in this so called accidents. Even though there are lots of accidents that are occurring you can still feel somehow safe with the use of Motorcycle helmet. If you are going to count this people I bet you will see that there are lots of lives that are saved. But if you are going to do some search there are also cases where in people died because they are not using a helmet.

As we all know there are lots of accidents that are occurring because of motor vehicle. Motor accidents have been a real problem from any country. You will be needing lots of discipline for you to avoid accidents. Since the use of helmet is very much proven, there are lots of states that implemented a rule of using the helmet in mandatory. This law has proven that the ratios of death in motor accidents have decreased. Since this is really useful there are lots of countries who are using this kind of law.

The good thing is that even the Motorcycle helmet companies are having its progress in creating a secured helmet for everyone. The helmets that we have today are now comfortable to wear. They are also giving much attention on the protection that we can have during accidents with the use of helmet.

People have been complaining about the use of helmet before. They are not in favor with the use of helmet because they can’t hear enough. Fortunately this has been solved because of the kind of design that we have today.

All you have to do is to look unto the designs that will suit your personality. It is better that you try wearing the helmet for a minute at first so you can decide. The designs in the helmets are indeed important but the first thing that you need too consider is your safety.

Motorcycle Helmet

DOT Helmet

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Using Hypnosis the Right Way – The Dos and the Don’ts

Hypnotherapy can be a great way to cure a number of problems in your life, be it psychological or mental. It can even help you to improve your lifestyle, character, outlook, career and relationships very efficiently. And there is much more that you can achieve through proper hypnosis methods.

However, there are a number of points that are worth noting down with respect to hypnosis so that you are able to make the most of it and avoid trouble through it. Let us check out some dos and don’ts in relation to hypnosis to understand what your approach should be towards this great tool to improve your life.


The most important factor to consider with hypnosis is discipline. Unless and until you are able to show enough self control, you may never get the best effects or results out of hypnotherapy.

Positive Mindset

The more positive you are before the hypnosis sessions, the better it will work for you. If you start the session with a very negative approach, giving importance to thoughts like “I don’t think all these things work”, you have already programmed your mind to accept the fact that hypnosis is worthless.

Remember, hypnosis lets your conscious and subconscious minds interact with each other. It has a lot to do with making your subconscious mind believe in the things that you want to achieve. If you start with disbelieving the fact that it is possible to make things work, it will become even more difficult for you.

Using It the Right Way

Hypnosis can help you achieve some unbelievable things in life, like career improvement, losing weight, relationship development, etc. But if you plan to use hypnosis towards negative actions and thoughts, this will probably not work. Some of the mind experts have stated this point very strongly, that hypnosis should only be used towards achieving the positive aspects of life.

No Medication

It is very important to understand that hypnosis does not require you to go for any sort of drugs or medication to get you to the results more effectively. If you have heard about such ideas, it is completely a myth and can be quite dangerous for your mind and body.

Try Self Hypnosis

You can try out self hypnosis as well. This may prove to be quite difficult in the beginning, but once you learn how to get to that state of mind, it may prove to be a great tool for you. You can save a lot of money that you may have needed to spend on a professional if you learn the self hypnosis methods in the best possible way!

Why and How to Quit Smoking using Hypnosis?

What Makes "Stop Smoking Easy with Hypnosis" So Great?