Friday, April 23, 2010

Grooming As a Method For Dog Health Care

When it comes to dog health care nothing can substitute veterinary attention, but as the saying goes prevention is better than cure and so you must learn to take care of minor problems before they become major ones.

Grooming as a way to dog health care

One great way to take care of the health of your dog is to ensure that it is properly groomed. Proper grooming is essential to minimize any skin-care problems that may occur. Grooming ensures that natural skin oils of the dog are evenly distributed through out the coat. The second advantage is that when you groom your dog regularly, you will be able to notice the presence of any unusual bumps or lumps that may need immediate attention. Keep in mind that even though dogs do cry when they want to, but they might just remain quiet and stoic when they are ill or in pain. Dogs can't tell us when they are hurt and so when you check them on regular basis, you can save your pet and yourself a lot of grief in the long run.

While most dogs are open to dry grooming, or brushing or buffing the coat, the problem arises with wet grooming, or when water is added to the process. Dogs, as a general rule, dislike water and become panic-stricken when they see the bath tub. So the first step is to make the dog relaxed and happy.

Preparing your dog for the grooming

Getting a dog accustomed to water can be relatively simple if you start the habit right from its puppyhood. The problem arises when you adopt an adult dog. Before you start with the grooming, it is essential that you get your dog to trust your touch. By their very nature, dogs are social creatures and physical affection plays an important part in their lives. As your dog or puppy gets used to being rubbed and handled by you, it will begin to trust you and also get pleasure out of your touch.

Start by rubbing your dog gently and slowly all over its body---touch its ears, cheeks, and neck or rub its back and belly and gradually it will become familiar with your touch. This may not seem a bid deal, but it is an important part of the grooming process; for once it begins to trust you, washing it would become less stressful and it would result in better health for your canine.

Caressing your dog is actually a really important part of the grooming: The more your dog enjoys it, the less stressful the whole event will be for both of you. The more often you're likely to groom it, the more it will increase its health benefits.

Washing your dog

Always bathe your dog first and then brush and trim its coat. For bathing your dog, you would need a tub, a non-slip mat, some warm water, a small sponge, and some canine shampoo. A word of caution here, don't use shampoo meant for the humans because the pH is not right for dogs, and will give it dry and flaky skin.

Make your dog stand in the tub on the non-slip mat and pour some warm water all over it until it's good and wet. Next, mix a little shampoo in warm water, and rub it thoroughly into your dog's fur. Start off with its back and rub it into a good lather and then move on to the head and face. Be very careful while washing and ensure that water doesn't go into its ears because it can cause ear infection. The best option is to plug its ears with cotton wool.

Next you must rinse the dog. For this, pour some clean water on the body and with your fingers, disperse the lather from its coat. Rinse her off thoroughly at least twice or the residue of the shampoo may cause irritation.

Finally, dry your dog. If it has short fur, you can use a towel; if it is a bigger dog with longer fur, rub with a towel and then use a hair dryer to get rid of the last dampness.

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