Monday, February 22, 2010

Wholesale & Import Sterling Silver Jewelry - Top 6 Factors That Determine Cost

If you're considering a business in jewelry as an importer, wholesaler, or retailer, understanding the costs of that jewelry is critical. Having this knowledge allows you to better appraise pieces you purchase and avoid being ripped off by those offering over-priced or fake jewelry. This article pertains specifically to the costs associated with the creation, distribution, and marketing of sterling silver jewelry.

Demand Driven Costs

Every year, 650 million ounces of silver gets mined from countries like Canada, Australia, Mexico, Peru, and the United States, with more coming from scrap recycling and investor trading. In 2001, 24% of the silver was used in photography, while 33% was used in jewelry, 40% for industrial uses, and only 3% for coins and medals. Within these categories, silver is used in a myriad of ways; from circuits in electronics, as anti-bacterial treatments in medicine, and is even sprinkled on food as decoration.

As a result of this supply and demand from competing industries, the last century has seen tremendous fluctuations in the price of silver. Prices saw an all-time high in 1980, when it reached $49.45 U.S. dollars per Troy ounce.

Precious Metal Costs

While less expensive than gold and platinum, jewelry pieces made from silver still sell for a high premium on the market. The first cost associated with sterling silver jewelry is the cost of silver. The current cost per ounce is around $16.00 U.S. dollars, having risen sharply in the past few years. The base cost of the metal used is usually only a fraction of the costs that go into creating and delivery a piece of jewelry to the end customer.

Costs of Extra Material

Silver is often not the only component used in Sterling Silver Jewelry. The addition of Crystals, Pearls, Jade or other stones will increase the final cost of the piece. Many silver pieces also come coated with other more expensive metals, such as Platinum, Gold, or Rhodium, either to add tarnish resistance or improve shine.

Costs of Labor

Jewelry pieces are handled by a person at one point or another, often for the more delicate tasks of design. Everything from setting the stones and creating the finish are part of the significant processing costs associated with turning a piece of silver into jewelry. Such labor costs are heavily influenced by where the jewelry is made. Thus, in countries with higher labor costs, jewelry production is usually more expensive regardless of whether the pieces are of higher quality or better design.

Overhead costs

The creation of jewelry and its distribution is a business that incurs costs like any other business. These costs are offset by the profit made selling the product. The jewelry manufacturer sells at a price to cover the costs of business overhead, such as machinery, staff, sales, and marketing, as well as turn a profit. This process occurs again down the supply chain when the importer, distributor, or retailer must sell the item at a price where these costs can be recouped and a profit made. The importer will have to factor in shipping and customs duty costs involved with getting the jewelry into the country, while a distributor may have to add costs for warehousing and storing the pieces. The final retailer will often have costs of running a brick and mortar location and advertising to customers.

Marketing and Branding Costs

A final cost worth separating from standard overhead costs involves the branding and marketing of certain collections. A sterling silver piece from Tiffany's will cost more than one from Walmart. Such costs are the result of the time and money the brand holders have put into their brand.

To learn more about Wholesale Imported Sterling Silver Jewelry, visit Wholesale of Asia at, where you'll find a diverse collection of jewelry, including Wholesale Sterling Silver, Precious Stone, Pearl, Jade, and Customized Jewelry, all at a low cost and imported directly from manufacturers worldwide. Get an edge over competition and increase your bottom line today!

Note: Article may be freely circulated if all content, author info, and links remain unchanged.

About the Author:

Since 2006, Lee Shyu has helped businesses connect with Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesalers, and Retailers worldwide. His business is based in the United States and sources a wide selection of products, including Jewelry and Gifts, for small to mid-sized businesses looking to expand their product lines and increase their competitiveness in today's global marketplace.

If you're a woman who loves Silver Rings check out Silver Jewelry Emporium!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2 Step Marketing

Do it Right.

I receive postcards all the time. The other day I received a postcard trying to sell me a copy machine. It had tiny, tiny lettering slathered all over the front and a large portion of the back of the card.

It was extremely hard to read, so hard in fact that I threw it away.

Several days later I received a postcard with 32 words on it telling me that I could get complete information on unrestricted long distance telephone service for 5.5 cents a minute with no additional monthly fee by calling the 800 number on the card.

I did call. I got the information, had my questions answered and ordered my long distance service changed.
The company who offered me the long distance service was using a time tested 2 step selling process:

Step 1. Generate a lead - Get me to call their 800 number.

Step 2. Provide the requested information - Provided to me on the phone by one of their sales representatives, who was able to answer my questions and make me feel confident that I could save quite a bit of money on my long distance bill and that the service would be as good or better.

What's So Good About 2 Steps?

It is much easier to create interest (a lead) than it is to get a person through an entire buying process (a sale).

You aren't getting the prospect or existing customer to part with any money just yet.

You can use postcards to inexpensively promote to your target prospects and customers and generate leads (inquiries about your products and services) to then be followed up on and converted to sales.

This 2 step process also helps you to create a list of people who were interested enough in what you offered to contact you.

You can then recontact the one's who you didn't complete a sale with when they first inquired, preferably until they do buy from you.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to get the information you will need to recontact the people who responded to your postcard offering.

Repetitive follow-ups with the people who contacted you will result in increased sales. Make it a company policy to follow up with those people who contacted you about your products and services.

The Most Effective Use of Postcards:

The purpose of your postcard's message is to generate a sufficient level of interest in the mind of your prospect to get him/her to contact you to ask you about your offer.

You are generating interest, not collecting their money (not yet anyway). That is what the 2 step marketing process is about. Generating interested prospects and customers who contact you for more information.

Your message needs 3 parts to be most effective:

1. A clear statement of the biggest benefit of your product or service (in the long distance example, it was cost savings).

2. A good reason for them to contact you NOW.

3. A simple, easy way for them to respond (an 800 number for example).

Your message should be short and to the point. Short messages on postcards produce more leads than long ones.

For example:

Call 800-555-1212 for Your Copy of Our Free Report:

What 99% of Business Owners Don't Know and Will Never Find Out About Using Postcards to Explode Their Profits

Offer ends 5-5-01 (Print a date 3 weeks from your mailing date to create some urgency)

Lots of people will respond to find out what they might not know. Don't forget, they responded, which is least some interest in the information you have created a curiosity about.

This method works and is sure to produce a large number of inquiries if sent to your proper market.

This 2 Step Marketing Process Works.

Use the tips you have read here to create your next postcard's message and see what happens.

You will generate a bunch of leads from people who are truly interested in your products and services.

Get Discount Business Cards Here

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Living With an Alcoholic

When you live with an alcoholic the situation can range from instability to physical abuse. At the least you will constantly be on edge because the alcoholic you live with is so unpredictable. You don't know what to expect. You don't know if the alcoholic will come home drunk or if he or she will come home at all. The one thing you do know is counting on an alcoholic is not a good idea. And living with an alcoholic is very taxing on the non-drinker because it is so all-consuming and stressful, and wears tremendously on your self esteem. If you live with an alcoholic for any length of time, chances are you don't have your own life anymore.

The person living with the alcoholic needs to understand that an alcoholic with a true addiction to alcohol is unable to stop drinking because of a physical and psychological addiction. This is very real and makes alcohol a formidable adversary. The alcohol is running the show, not the drinker and this is what normal people don't grasp. Alcoholism is chronic, meaning it never goes away. Even when an alcoholic stops drinking for good, it still lurks in the background somewhere. In spite of that, with help, many drinkers can successfully stop.

In A.A. literature there is a statement that people view the alcoholic with mingled pity and contempt. The assumption by normal people is that alcoholism is a moral deficiency or weakness of character. Closer to the truth is alcoholism is probably genetic, and combining genes with an environment that promotes alcohol, the resulting alcoholism is almost inevitable.

So here you are. You are living with an alcoholic. What are your options?

First, know the fact is that the percentage of alcoholics who recover without help is very low, probably in the single digits, and few can pull it off. In addition to that, it has been proven time after time that the alcoholic will be unable to stop drinking for you, his or her family or anyone else. They have to get help and they have to stop for themselves. Until they reach this point the drinking will continue.

If you elect to stick it out you can attend meetings for codependents in your area that exist to teach you how to stop covering for your alcoholic and how to distance yourself from your alcoholic's behavior and get on with your life.

So when will the drinker you live with stop drinking? Getting help is always the first step.

You can stop drinking and it doesn't have to be painful. Visit us at:

Living with an alcoholic is very taxing on the non-drinker because it is so all-consuming and stressful, and wears tremendously on your self esteem. Visit for some dos and don'ts

Cheap Or Discounted Hearing Aids

Discount hearing aids

Hearing aids are the boon to the hearing impaired patients. New technology and system has provided the best to the patients. But earlier it was such that only the one who was rich was able to get reach of these hearing aids. But with the new era and lessen of difference between the rich and the poor, things are in the reach of the people. Discount hearing aids also provide hearing aids at a discount to the people who are not able to get the expensive hearing aids for themselves. It also provides free hearing tests to the patient and their family members.

Suitability of the hearing aids

Hearing aids should be such that it fulfills every needs of the customer, right from the hearing and durability purposes to the price of the hearing aid. There come in market a lot of hearing aids, which are of good quality and also of high price. But is not required that only these products of high rate are good enough and durable. There also comes quality in a cheaper price. For your health price should not be a concern. There are various products which are cheap and of good quality and keeps you in a safer side. They are Waterproof hearing aids, Ear mold tubing, Wraps, Headbands and Dehumidifiers. There are many a companies who provide the patients with the hearing aids with a discount.

Necessity of hearing aids

Although one can survive with just one ear, life is ever so much easier and pleasant when we have both the ears functioning properly. Getting a hearing aid is required and is advantageous. While wearing two hearing aids one can better locate the sources of the sounds. This ability to locate the sources of sounds in three-dimensional space is called localization. Our brain uses three auditory factors namely, the slight difference in time it takes for a given sound to reach each ear; the difference in the loudness of a given sound as heard in each ear, and; the slight difference in the pitch of a given sound as heard in each ear. This helps in locating where the sounds are coming from. It works because the head is an obstacle to sound waves. The extra time sound needs to cross the head and reach the ear, which results in a slight delay in time.

Cheap hearing aids

Cheap Hearing Aids has behind the ear hearing aids. It provides canal hearing aids also at wholesale prices for children, adults, and seniors. Cheap hearing aids provides with a scheme of save hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars while buying hearing aid devices direct, and receive a full warranty and free lifetime batteries with the most complete hazard warranty in the hearing aid industry. Hearing aids are used for mild to moderate to severe hearing loss by millions of people worldwide. Children, adults, and seniors have benefited thanks to hearing aid technology. Anyone who is hearing impaired will benefit from the huge discounts provided on behind the ear and in the canal hearing devices. Hearing health is very important. Cheap hearing aids provide the products of the same quality in the cheaper or wholesale rate of what you get in the expensive market.

Other products by cheap hearing aids

Hearing aids should be such that it fulfills every needs of the customer, right from the hearing and durability purposes to the price of the hearing aid. There come in market a lot of hearing aids, which are of good quality and also of high price. But is not required that only these products of high rate are good enough and durable. There also comes quality in a cheaper price. For your health price should not be a concern. There are various products which are cheap and of good quality and keeps you in a safer side. They are Waterproof hearing aids, Ear mold tubing, Wraps, Headbands and Dehumidifiers.

Reason to wear a hearing aid

Although one can survive with just one ear, life is ever so much easier and pleasant when we have both the ears functioning properly. Getting a hearing aid is required and is advantageous. While wearing two hearing aids one can better locate the sources of the sounds. This ability to locate the sources of sounds in three-dimensional space is called localization. Our brain uses three auditory factors namely, the slight difference in time it takes for a given sound to reach each ear; the difference in the loudness of a given sound as heard in each ear, and; the slight difference in the pitch of a given sound as heard in each ear. This helps in locating where the sounds are coming from. It works because the head is an obstacle to sound waves. The extra time sound needs to cross the head and reach the ear, which results in a slight delay in time.

Hearing Aid Styles

How To Clean Hearing Aids

The advantages of using motorcycle helmet

Accidents are a thing that we are not expecting and there are lots of stories on how Motorcycle helmet have helped us in this so called accidents. Even though there are lots of accidents that are occurring you can still feel somehow safe with the use of Motorcycle helmet. If you are going to count this people I bet you will see that there are lots of lives that are saved. But if you are going to do some search there are also cases where in people died because they are not using a helmet.

As we all know there are lots of accidents that are occurring because of motor vehicle. Motor accidents have been a real problem from any country. You will be needing lots of discipline for you to avoid accidents. Since the use of helmet is very much proven, there are lots of states that implemented a rule of using the helmet in mandatory. This law has proven that the ratios of death in motor accidents have decreased. Since this is really useful there are lots of countries who are using this kind of law.

The good thing is that even the Motorcycle helmet companies are having its progress in creating a secured helmet for everyone. The helmets that we have today are now comfortable to wear. They are also giving much attention on the protection that we can have during accidents with the use of helmet.

People have been complaining about the use of helmet before. They are not in favor with the use of helmet because they can’t hear enough. Fortunately this has been solved because of the kind of design that we have today.

All you have to do is to look unto the designs that will suit your personality. It is better that you try wearing the helmet for a minute at first so you can decide. The designs in the helmets are indeed important but the first thing that you need too consider is your safety.

Motorcycle Helmet

DOT Helmet

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Using Hypnosis the Right Way – The Dos and the Don’ts

Hypnotherapy can be a great way to cure a number of problems in your life, be it psychological or mental. It can even help you to improve your lifestyle, character, outlook, career and relationships very efficiently. And there is much more that you can achieve through proper hypnosis methods.

However, there are a number of points that are worth noting down with respect to hypnosis so that you are able to make the most of it and avoid trouble through it. Let us check out some dos and don’ts in relation to hypnosis to understand what your approach should be towards this great tool to improve your life.


The most important factor to consider with hypnosis is discipline. Unless and until you are able to show enough self control, you may never get the best effects or results out of hypnotherapy.

Positive Mindset

The more positive you are before the hypnosis sessions, the better it will work for you. If you start the session with a very negative approach, giving importance to thoughts like “I don’t think all these things work”, you have already programmed your mind to accept the fact that hypnosis is worthless.

Remember, hypnosis lets your conscious and subconscious minds interact with each other. It has a lot to do with making your subconscious mind believe in the things that you want to achieve. If you start with disbelieving the fact that it is possible to make things work, it will become even more difficult for you.

Using It the Right Way

Hypnosis can help you achieve some unbelievable things in life, like career improvement, losing weight, relationship development, etc. But if you plan to use hypnosis towards negative actions and thoughts, this will probably not work. Some of the mind experts have stated this point very strongly, that hypnosis should only be used towards achieving the positive aspects of life.

No Medication

It is very important to understand that hypnosis does not require you to go for any sort of drugs or medication to get you to the results more effectively. If you have heard about such ideas, it is completely a myth and can be quite dangerous for your mind and body.

Try Self Hypnosis

You can try out self hypnosis as well. This may prove to be quite difficult in the beginning, but once you learn how to get to that state of mind, it may prove to be a great tool for you. You can save a lot of money that you may have needed to spend on a professional if you learn the self hypnosis methods in the best possible way!

Why and How to Quit Smoking using Hypnosis?

What Makes "Stop Smoking Easy with Hypnosis" So Great?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Developing a Local Business Directory Into a Thriving Web Portal

Developing a local business directory is a very good way to go for anyone who aspires to have a successful offline-online consultancy business. The advantages of such a strategy are the provision of a valued service to the local community, as well as a profitable return to your business.

However, you need to differentiate yourself from other local business directories, many of which are little better than link farms. The only value such directories provide is to list the local business in an appropriate category. And what use is that?

Your local directory must dare to be different. You need to draw in local businesses who are willing to pay a premium for a quality listing.

Therefore the key issue becomes: how can you as a consultant to small businesses, provide that winning edge that will entice local businesses to list with you, as opposed to avenues such as The Yellow Pages or other similar utility portals?

The way to go about this is to create a full page description of each local business listing with you and re-direct surfers to that page. The page may, for example, contain a video of an interview with the business owner. This approach gives the site visitor a more personal feel for what the business has to offer. The visitor can then be sent to the local business website in order to purchase a product or service. If the business doesn't yet have a web site then the visitor can simply be sent to the business address.

You will need to use your creativity and imagination in order to get top class presentation pages. When you achieve this you will get greater exposure in the search engines because you are providing relevant local content that will rank highly. If you use basic optimization for keywords then the local businesses will get traffic that they never had before. This means they will be willing to pay you a premium for a listing in the directory.

Make no mistake - if you develop a local business directory into a thriving web portal, you will not only provide a solid foundation for your business, but you will have a valuable asset that can be on-sold for a lucrative profit.

Do you want to become a successful online consultant to offline business? Developing web portals is only a small part of the picture. Get the big picture at

Fort Worth Business Directory

Where Does Hair For Extensions Come From?

India - Indian hair is considered by many to be the most beautiful in the world. It is fine in texture and comes with a natural body wave that is the perfect texture for most people. Indian hair can also be purchased with a strong natural curl which is full of volume. A large percentage of highest quality hair extensions sold today are from India. Do you wonder how so much hair can come from India? Do people just sell their hair or is it taken from dead people? The answer is no!

India is a country with a large religious population of Hindus. Hinduism is a religion consisting of many customs and beliefs. One such belief in Hinduism is sacrificing ones hair in the name of god. This is an ancient practice which has been going on for many centuries. For most people, hair is what defines their appearance and beauty. In India, cutting the hair is considered letting go of the ego for God. People in India usually cut their hair because they are grateful for a blessing or asking for a blessing.

Everyday thousands of Hindus gather in religious places like temples to pray to God and sacrifice their long tresses. Temples have tonsure (cutting) rooms where devotees sit in rows and get their heads shaved by people appointed by the temple. The cutting process is done in a clean hygienic environment using disposable razors. The hair is then collected and put aside for auction. The bundles of cut tresses in these auctions are usually sold by the ton. A chain of buying continues from the main buyer to various middle men and distributors. These large quantities of hair are sent to the factories of the suppliers and then sorted, hackled and sorted by length. It is then sterilized, washed and dried under the sun outdoors. After drying, it is drawn and tied into bundles.

Italy - Italian hair extensions come from India, Italy is the largest importer of Indian hair. Italy does process the hair but they don't grow it. Italian women all want to keep their beautiful tresses.

China - Chinese hair is usually very straight and coarser than Indian, European or Russian hair. If you can get real remy Chinese hair that has not been over bleached it can be very beautiful, Make sure your client's hair is straight and medium /coarse in texture or it will not look natural. Most Chinese hair is non-remy and will only last a short time.

Europe - Hair that is called European hair does not necessarily come from Europe. It is a name for hair with a similar fine texture such as; Indian, Latin American, Ukrainian, or Moldavian hair, the only exemptions are Asian/Chinese hair, (Chinese can be stripped down to mimic the fineness of European but it is of extremely low quality). There is one thing you can be sure of; the European hair you purchase will not be coming from a rich European country, only the poorer countries have a hair market.

Russia - True Russian Hair is Very-Very expensive, about $200 an ounce, and it is hard to find. The natural virgin colors range from level 2 to level 6 anything lighter needs to be lightened. If you are going to invest in Russian hair it is best to use it with a sew in weave so it can be reused for a few years or if you want to use keratin bonds make sure you are experienced to prevent shedding. Super Keratip Rebonds is the best and strongest keratin to use with this top quality hair.

Virgin - There is very little true virgin hair in hair extensions. The term virgin means never colored or permed. Chinese/Asian virgin hair will be black to off black in color and straight, if it has been acid washed it is not virgin. Indian Virgin is color #1b (off black) to #2 (darkest brown). European Virgin is the same as for Indian: color #1b (off black) to #2 (darkest brown), with no perm added like in a deep wave.

Synthetic - This type is best used for temporary occasions. Synthetic does not move the same as real hair and it can look overly shiny which comes off as fake. It may be a good alternative over very cheap human hair because it will not matt as fast. The best synthetic is the heat resistant type, (Futura brand) which can be curled with a curling iron. ©2010 Lynn Symonds

Lynn Symonds has been a licensed cosmetologist since 1981. Her main focus has been hair extensions for over 10 years. She is the founder of Vision Hair Extensions which is a Hair Extension company specializing in supplying 100% human, remy, keratin pre-tipped hair extensions to salons, professionals and individuals. Lynn is currently working on a book and articles focusing on teaching the art history and science of hair extensions. Free information, instructions and videos are available at

buy Indian remy hair at affordable prices

Friday, February 12, 2010

Taxation Law for Small Businesses

Taxation law is a complex and in-depth area of concern for the small business owner. With potential pecuniary and criminal consequences, it is of paramount importance to ensure as a business owner, you are familiar with the tax consequences in your jurisdictions, and the ways in which you can minimise your liability. Whilst one of the most legally important things to understand as a small business owner, taxation law also provides an excellent opportunity for saving money and increasing profitability within a small business environment. In this article, we will look at some of the main and most common tax implications of running a small business, and some of the most effective ways of ensuring you pay less tax through your small business operation.

Tax regimes vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and the implications of running a small business also vary, both in terms of the legal and financial requirements. Having said that, there are a number of common elements that transcend jurisdiction and appear in numerous guises across various systems that can be of use to the small business owner. One of the first things to consider as a small business owner is to establish a limited liability company. The primary reason for this is that limited liability companies usually provide a more relaxed tax regime as compared to income tax liability. A sole proprietor operating out-with the parameters of a corporate entity is liable to account for profits as income, which can lead to a greater tax liability and potential individual state contributions. As a corporate entity, the owner can pay himself via share dividends, which carry a lower tax liability and thus minimising his overall liability to tax. This is significantly better than paying oneself a wage, which bears the tax liability from both ends, i.e. the company is liable to taxation as is the employee.

Another essential for the small business owner is what is known as capital allowance. By means of capital allowance, business owners can offset the acquisition cost of assets on a graduated scale in accordance with the specific principles of the regime in question. This is in effect a deductible expense, which ultimately minimises yearly tax liability. There is a particular benefit in that many regimes allow an accelerated relief for business assets. This can be exploited to an extent by acquiring assets through the business, for example a car, which can also be used for personal purposes. Rather than buying a car from personal income, buying it through the company allows you to offset the amount of the expense quickly against your business profits, which ultimately reduce your liability to tax.

Before embarking on any tax reducing strategies, it is important to ensure you are acquainted with the specific laws of your jurisdiction to avoid running into trouble with the authorities. In some of Europe, for example, there is a requirement to declare any specific tax minimising strategies to the government to allow for rectification of loopholes. It is important to ensure you are acquainted with the specific laws to avoid potential criminal liability as a consequence of ignorance. By familiarising yourself with the laws in your jurisdiction, you can avoid the potential pitfalls and create a tax planning strategy that provides the most cost effective solution for you and your small business.

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Get Off The Rat Race And Enroll In A Wealth Creation Education Program

Who does not want to be wealthy? The pursuit of wealth is a passion that drives many people. This is why many people in the corporate world burn themselves out as they run the rat race and climb the corporate ladder. This is why people with the most mediocre of talents would endure embarrassment just to make it big in show business. This is why people gamble at casinos or buy lottery tickets. These are the conventional paths that people take in order to strike at wealth.

There is no shortcut to being wealthy - or so the sages say. If you want to be wealthy, you have to work hard. But what if we prove the sages wrong and say that there is a shortcut to attaining riches? There is a proven way of earning money in such a way that you get to do the work only once. After you have done the work, all you need to do is to sit back and watch your earnings grow exponentially.

If you want to find out how this shortcut works, then you have to enroll in a wealth education program.

Why Enroll in a Wealth Creation Education Program?

Conventional wisdom teaches us that right after we graduate from school, we have to strive to get a good job that pays really well. Once we scored this job, we have to work hard to keep this job and to get promoted to a higher level until we reach the top level on the corporate ladder. After we retire from the careers we have built for ourselves, we can enjoy the fruits of our labor.

But why wait until we are 65 years old to enjoy life when we can do it much, much earlier? Life is a journey that must be done slowly and leisurely, or else we will miss out on the beautiful moments we could have savored along the way. Do we have to wait until we are 65 years old to be able to travel the world? Do we have to wait until retirement to be able to bask in the warmth of our families, to read the books that we want to read when we want to read them, to live our lives the way we had always wanted but could not because we are so busy with our jobs?

Life does not have to be the rat race. When you enroll in a wealth creation education program, you will find out the ways you can stop running the rat race and stroll along the path of life without having to worry about money.

Learn to Create Passive Income using a Wealth Education Program

There are many things you will learn when you get in a wealth education program, but the key idea is that you can be wealthy now and live the life you think you are supposed to live by developing passive income. Passive income is the fruit of work you will only do once and then enjoy for the rest of your life.

Stevn Miller is passionate about learning wealth creation strategies and financial freedom with millionaire Jamie McIntyre who owns 21st Century Academy and it's group of companies. He is also passionate about teaching people to get a 21st century education, and be able to get out of the rat race, achieve financial independence, be successful and contribute more to society.

Read more topics on wealth creation and grab a best-selling law of attraction book from this blog today!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Offshore Credit Cards

Offshore Credit Cards
By: Geoff Thomas
Until a recently, the typical offshore investor did not have access to the payment convenience and flexibility associated with a credit card–at least not from the standpoint of accessing and spending the money he or she had safely placed offshore. Consider the predicament of yesterday's offshore investors seeking to access smaller amounts of money residing in their offshore bank accounts–say, under $10,000. If those individuals wanted to use offshore funds to make a purchase while living in North America or traveling abroad, they would have to personally withdraw funds from their offshore bank or have money wired to bank accounts where they lived.
Offshore credit cards have greatly facilitated the use of money held in offshore accounts. Offshore institution-branded Visa and MasterCard credit cards have ushered in a whole new realm of payment flexibility and convenience for today's offshore investor, but they are products that still require careful consideration and research. How do they work and what do they cost? How secure and private are they? What are the possible pitfalls and ramifications associated with using these cards?
How they work
Offshore credit cards share the same characteristics as ones in your own Country. They all carry a Visa or MasterCard label, are accepted at more than 14 million locations worldwide and provide cash advances at several hundred thousand automatic teller machines and banking institutions around the world.
Despite their similarities, a significant difference exists between domestic and offshore credit cards. The vast majority of reputable offshore credit cards are "secured" cards. They require offshore investors to provide a security deposit with their application for the card and therefore do not require offshore investors to go through credit checks.
To increase a credit line, investors simply need to increase the amount of their security deposit by the appropriate factor, either by sending a draft or by wiring funds to the card company. The requirement for a security deposit contrasts with a domestic credit card and effectively renders these products not credit cards per se. They are rather hybrid cards that access a line of credit that is fully secured with one's own money. Most of the card companies do not refer to their products as "credit cards" but either as "offshore cards" that provide the "benefits and acceptance of a Visa or MasterCard" or "offshore cards" that provide investors with access to "offshore collateral investment accounts."

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Caring For Bonsai Trees

Caring for bonsai trees starts from the time you buy the tree. After buying your bonsai tree from the stores ensure that you keep it outside for the first two weeks. It is also important to protect the bonsai plant from strong wind and sun during the first few days.

If you are buying your bonsai tree during the winter season, then its better not to expose it to the harsh winter conditions.

If the bonsai plant is kept in a warm room for too long a time, it will simulate conditions of spring and this will result in budding of the plant. Keeping the plant for long durations in warm conditions will be detrimental to the health of the plant.

Caring for bonsai trees also includes, ensuring proper exposure to sunlight. It is generally advisable to keep the plant away from the sunlight immediately after pruning or repotting of the plant, during other time the bonsai plant should be kept in a well lighted place.

In case you do not have sunlight for a long duration of time, then it's better to keep your plant exposed to artificial light. Usually grow lights are used for this purpose.

Another important aspect of caring for bonsai trees is watering. Bonsai plants usually require more watering as compared to other general house plants. Lot of other factors also affects the amount of water needed for your bonsai plant. The species of the plant, the season of the year, the amount of sunlight the plant is exposing to, and the kind of soil used for growing of the plant. Ideally the bonsai plant should be watered during the early morning time or the late afternoon. During the winter season if the plant is exposed to too much of water it might lead to formation of frost in the soil during the night time, and this could cause the roots get affected by frost bite. Hence it is advisable to water the plants well before night sets in to avoid frost bite.

Caring for bonsai trees also includes deciding on the kind of soil used. Usually you could either use a high drainage soil or a water retaining soil.

Proper pruning is another important aspect of caring for bonsai trees. This ensures that the bonsai plant stays in proper shape and the growth is balanced enough to help keep the plant in the confines of the bonsai container. Pinching is another way of trimming your bonsai plant; some species need constant pinching to keep them in proper shape.

Bonsai plans are made to grow in the small pots by cutting excessive growth of branches and roots. In order to ensure that this does not affect the growth of the plant it is vital to keep repotting the bonsai plant once every one to two years. This has to be an important part of your regimen for caring for bonsai trees.

Ensuring that the bonsai plant gets proper feed and fertilizers is also another important aspect of caring for bonsai trees. Since the bonsai plants are restricted to grow in the confines of small containers, they get very little amount of soil to support their nutritional needs, hence it is important to supplement this with some additional nutrients by using fertilizers.

Protecting your plant from pests and diseases is another aspect of taking care of bonsai trees. It is better to use some insecticidal spray once every week to protect the plant from most common pests and insects.

These were a few pointers which would help you out while taking care of your bonsai trees.

For more information on Bonsai and bonsai care tips please visit

Get your bonsai tree informations from our site.

Learn about indoor bonsai with our articles.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


There are several aspects to consider when planning out your banner advertising campaign.

The first consideration should be your ad graphic itself. These are usually animated GIF images but remember you want to attract customers -- not simply attention -- and remember the overall tone of your ad campaign when designing your graphic. Also keep in mind that many sites limit the file size of the graphic to somewhere between 12 and 16 KB.

Your banner can come in variety of sizes. The full banner size is 468 x 60 pixels. Some other standard banner sizes include:

468 x 60.....Full banner
234 x 60.....Half banner
392 x 72.....Full banner with vertical navigation bar
120 x 240....Vertical banner
125 x 125....Square button
120 x 90.....Button #1
120 x 60.....Button #2
88 x 31......Micro button

Your graphic will be hyper-linked to a target url of your choice so you may want to spend some time planning how you will track traffic and clicks. Some programs provide a tracking and statistics service for you but most individual sites can't offer that information.

When selecting where to display your banner ad the first consideration should really be choosing a site offering information that appeals to your target audience. A high-traffic dating site isn't going to be much good for advertising your maternity clothing line, for example.

Then you should look at traffic. When looking at site stats you want to make sure you focus on page views or page impressions rather than hits (which may count individually each graphic viewed). Depending on your banner and market you may be primarily concerned with unique page impressions.

Banner advertising is often sold by CPM (Cost Per Thousand displays, the Roman numeral "M" stands for one thousand). Many sites also offer a fixed rate price for a set period of time.

Many marketers do not concern themselves as much with click-through rates and instead see banner ads as "branding" tools. They create brand awareness and a brand image in the viewer's mind. The hope is that when the viewer gets ready to make a purchase then your "brand" pops into their mind. Branding can also generate sales over the long-term. Branding is difficult to measure, but can be very powerful.

If you have a big advertising budget then you might want to consider an ad agency or media buyer. They can offer a lot of value for the dollar because they have the experience, knowledge, and contacts to make the most of your budget.

It is quite possible to be your own media buyer, if you are willing and able to handle the increased workload. The biggest difficulty is finding the right sites on which to advertise your product or service. Then after you find a site that might be a good match you need to negotiate the best possible deal. It is important you be as knowledgeable as possible as it is a buyer's market and you don't want to pay too much. Of course you also don't want to alienate a web master whose site is a perfect match for you.

You also have the option to buy banner space on many search engines and directories. Often this option allows you to display your ad only to a targeted audience which can obviously increase your chances for a successful campaign but it can be a pricey option.

Banner ad networks are another targeted option that might be more affordable. Individual web site owners contract with a single company to serve their banner ads and handle ad sales for them. In turn, these networks divide their sites into categories and subcategories to allow advertisers to advertise on particular sites within the network that are the most highly targeted. They also offer very sophisticated tracking tools that give you lots of valuable information about who is visiting your site, and what actions they are taking.

Some networks offer pay-per-click advertising which only charges you when someone clicks on your banner and comes to your site. However, this approach is subject to fraud by unscrupulous site owners.

A pay-per-sale network, otherwise known as an affiliate program, only charges the advertiser when a purchase is actually made. The advertiser pays both the affiliate and the network but only when there is a sale. Of course the competition to attract quality affiliates is high so while this can be effective it shouldn't be the only method of banner advertising you use.

And some final banner advertising tips:

* Keep your message brief, direct and simple.
* Attract more attention using words such as "free" and "now".
* Put "click here" somewhere on the banner.
* Create different versions of the banner.
* Animate your banner but only if it improves it.
* Keep the file size as small as possible.

Learn how to profit with Banner Ad Blueprint and get an exclusive Banner Ad Blueprint Bonus.

Selecting Bedding For A Dorm

When you initially start faculty you have a ton of things to think about. If you're entering into a dorm or school sponsored residence, you may not have to bring a lot of within the way of furniture. You'll have a desk and a bed already provided for you, however you'll have to get things like lamps, electronics, and dorm area bedding. This stuff do not have to cost a lot of money, however make sure you place some thought into them before you buy.

After I bought dorm room bedding for school, I did not think about what I was purchasing. In the end, I wish I had selected something different. The problem wasn't that it wasn't warm, because it was, and it wasn't that it did not fit my bed. The matter was the color. If you think that you are not going to have accidents, you must think again. Most of these accidents can be things that others do, and you'll finish up with a discolored comforter that makes you feel uncomfortable each night when you lay down to go to sleep. When you buy dorm room bedding, make positive you get a dark color.

Additionally remember to get dorm space bedding that's straightforward to clean. You do not want something that has to be dry-cleaned or you're going to find yourself spending a ton of money on cleaning, and you may have a hard time finding someone close by who can do it for you. You do not have to lay our a fortune of cash to induce good dorm space bedding, and you actually will be sensible to travel with something that goes in the laundry machine. Also remember that although you'll need one thing that is terribly bulky, it might not fit in your dorms laundry machines. You don't need something you've got to haul across city to get washed.

One last thing to consider when shopping for dorm space bedding is that you should understand what you are getting before you go. If your faculty doesn't let you know what size your bed will be, make sure you ask. Do not assume you recognize what size bed you are getting, or you will end up with a ton of dorm space bedding that merely doesn't fit your bed. This can be a huge trouble and an enormous waste of cash on your half when money is one thing you really should be worried about.

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Tips On Choosing An Air Mattress

There are many nice uses for an air mattress, however it will be quite easy to search out the incorrect one and waste your money. They're simply like anything else in that there are good ones, and there are ones that are going to fail quite easily. Whereas having a heel break on a shoe is an nuisance, having an air mattress go down in the middle of the hours of darkness when you've got guests can be down right upsetting. When buying something like this, you ought to always see if you'll notice air mattress reviews to make certain you are getting a high quality product.

There are a few things you can seek for when reading air mattress reviews that will help you out. If you have got pets, you ought to recognize that some don't seem to be made to handle them. All they may have to do is walk across the top and there will be a hole in the mattress, and it can go down rather quickly. That means you should seek for air mattress reviews that say the ones they have, have stood up well when there are animals within the home.

You also should take into account what you wish to use your mattress for when you are looking out for air mattress reviews. Are you using it for camping? Will you have got company sleeping on them? Can they be in the closet aside from in the future of the year? These are all things to consider when reading your air mattress reviews. If you merely have a use for one yearly, and you do not have pets, you'll not have to induce the best priced models out there.

Looking around on-line for air mattress reviews is one of the most effective ways to find them. Search for reviews by quite a few totally different people so you'll be able to get a smart idea to which are really the best. Some sites that sell these can offer area for buyers to jot down a review, and people are nice ones to find. If you cannot find them very easily, you'll be able to continuously use a research engine to find them on your own.

Be careful in the ones you choose to scan though, as some are put out there by the companies in hopes that they will persuade you to buy. Those reviews may be pretty correct, but they are continually slanted towards the positive for the sake of sales.

Before you purchase an Aerobed For Kids or any other airbed such as the popular Aerobed Raised be sure to visit us for tips on how to select the best model for you, and how to get the best deal.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Free Publicity For Your Landscaping Business

Regardless of whether you are just venturing out into the business world or already have a successful company, budgeting your expenses will help to improve profits and the overall health of the business. The largest expenses that a landscaping business has are advertising and the cost of equipment. The prices associated with a print advertisement can be significant, which is why a growing number of business owners are turning toward an alternative way of spreading the word about their landscaping business. With a company that provides local services, such as landscaping, it is more important to reach a local audience as opposed to a national one.

The most common way to generate free publicity for a landscaping business is through a press release, which is distributed to local newspapers, magazines and trade publications. Whether the landscaping business has an actual storefront present, is home or web-based, this option may have a positive success rate. In order for a press release to be worthy of publication, it must feature some type of news. A terrific example would be a grand opening, the launch of a new website, a free landscaping project contest or similar newsworthy event. A photograph of the business owner would make a nice accompaniment to any press release and may even grab the editor’s attention. Press releases can be submitted via mail, e-mail or fax and should be directed to the editor’s attention.

Many businesses, including those that provide landscaping services, often choose to have a website. Although the internet does provide for national exposure, many local customers may surf the web for landscaping information. A website should be professionally designed, regularly updated and feature plenty of landscaping example photos to showcase your ability. With a website, the free promotional opportunities are unlimited. From press release submission websites to article marketing and search engines, there are plenty of ways to get the word out about your new web presence.

Just as there are a number of ways to generate paid advertising, there are even more ways to obtain free publicity for your landscaping business. Most local companies will find paid advertising works most effectively in the telephone book’s yellow pages, but may also find limited success with newspaper and/or radio advertising. The main problem with the latter is that newspapers are often discarded quickly and most people do not have a pen handy when listening to the radio in order to write down a contact number. When you reduce the advertising costs and increase profits, your company’s bank account will begin to glimmer just as much as the dew on a beautifully landscaped lawn.

Mansfield Lawn Care

Mansfield Landscaping

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

December 21 2012 - Doomsday - Will it Be the End of Mankind?

Perhaps nothing has grabbed the attention of people more than the various December 21 2012 doomsday predictions that have been floating around for quite some time. Some of these prophecies, being based on some indisputable facts do indeed need to be taken seriously. Although there are several December 21 2012 doomsday predictions propagated by different groups, the most prominent among them seems to be that of the Mayans. The Mayans, who were known to be a highly intelligent race, were the first ones to arrive at this exact date, on which their calendar predicts a major turn of events on the earth.

There are several other groups too which seem to agree with the Mayan December 21 2012 doomsday predictions. For instance, there are many who people that the Yellowstone volcano in the United States erupts once in 650,000 years could be due for eruption on the particular date in 2012. A new explosion could block even sunlight and freeze the earth for thousands of years. A group of geologists have predicted that the explosion date is set for the year 2012.

There are many scientists who believe that the Mayan December 21 2012 doomsday prediction has got to do with polar shifts taking place on earth. These polar shifts which take place once in thousands of years can trigger of a chain reaction of catastrophic events, which could lead to the wiping out of life from earth in a few days time.

There are many who believe that the December 21 2012 doomsday could be caused by solar storms hitting the earth. If they were to hit the earth with any sort of intensity, then the chances of life surviving on earth is extremely slim.

Though many believe that an event such as doomsday could be entirely invoked due to human activities, there are many others who believe that such an even could only be an act of God and that only time has the answer to all the questions.

Learn much more about the significance and severity of the events in 2012 and how you can be prepared to save yourself and your loved ones.

If you are really interested in knowing more details, then this is the most important message you wil ever read- Click Here []

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Learn about the rumors of a 2012 asteroid hitting the earth.

Have you seen the latest 2012 doomsday movie at home or in cinema?