Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tie The Knot Quickly With Las Vegas Wedding Chapels: Part 2

Are you looking for a quick way to tie the knot in Las Vegas? Do you and your sweetie want to renew your vows in a fun and romantic way? Well how about a drive-thru wedding chapel? They’re nicer than they might sound and you’re in and out so you can get on with enjoying the excitement of the city. Here’s information on a few different wedding chapels that offer this fun, funky and fast way to get hitched and the different options you can choose from.

A Special Memory Wedding Chapel offers drive-up and drive-thru weddings without a reservation. This place has been seen on the Travel Channel so there’s a little bit of celebrity for ya to boot. They have a clever ‘menu’ posted at the window with ‘ala carte’ and ‘appetizer packages’ in addition to the ‘breakfast’, ‘lunch’ and ‘dinner’ menus (packages). Show up in any vehicle from a Hummer to a Harley to a Limo to an Old Model T! Bring your families, your friends and your pets if you like. The packages include roses, music, photos and more depending on which menu items you choose. And yes, Elvis will attend if you want him to by way of a pink Cadillac to pick you up and take you to the chapel. He’ll even sing a couple of songs for the happy couple and their guests! For information on all the drive-up wedding chapel choices they have to offer go to www.aspecialmemory.com.

You can book a drive-thru wedding online with Las Vegas Weddings Dot Com. This facility books wedding ceremonies every 30 minutes and conveniently has a link on their website to ‘Book Now’ if you’re interested. They offer six different packages that include the Bride’s bouquet and the Groom’s boutonniere which vary in size and flower choice depending on the package selected. Some of the options even include a wedding cake! You’ll get pictures and a souvenir of your vows in addition to music at the ceremony. A minister is provided for each wedding option, but that fee is not included in the price. It is suggested that a tip of at least be given to both the minister and the limo driver if you choose to utilize their services. You can find out more at www.lasvegasweddings.com.

If you and your honey want to arrive in style, you can do that too with Las Vegas Limousine Drive-Thru Weddings. For only 9, you can arrange for you and your beloved and four or more companions to be chauffeured in luxury to the drive-thru wedding chapel. Your experience includes world class service and a professional driver in addition to being provided with lavish accouterments. How romantic! Go to www.lvwc.com/Limousine_Wedding to find out more.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hearing Aids and Glasses Leveling the Sensory Field

Since time immemorial, people have referred to the eyes as “windows to the soul”, yet blind and deaf Helen Keller said "Hearing is the deepest, most philosophical sense man possesses."

For centuries, sight impaired people have worn glasses without being labeled “mentally defective.” Meanwhile, those with hearing impairment have suffered enormous prejudice. Labeled as “old", "stupid", "mentally ill", or "selective listeners", many hearing impaired people live in denial, or refuse to wear hearing aids because they are afraid of being branded.

For decades, quality eye glasses and contact lenses have been purchased for around 100 dollars but until recently, hearing aids were so expensive that only the wealthy could afford high quality corrective instruments.

Year upon year, eye glasses are fashionably designed in various shapes and colors to enhance physically attractiveness. Conversely, hearing aids are designed to be “discreet”, and manufactured in skin tones because they are deemed unsightly.

Every day, thousands of people submit their prescriptions for eye glasses and contacts lenses online. Orders are then shipped directly to them within 24 hours. At the same time, people seeking hearing correction call ahead for appointments, fight traffic, and look for parking to obtain help.

So how can we level the playing field? First, we must acknowledge that hearing impairment does not signal old age or intellectual inferiority. Admittedly, those who endure uncorrected sight impairment or hearing loss can be at a disadvantage, because they may be unable to decipher everyday sensory signals. Fortunately, excellent solutions for the hearing impaired are now readily available.

With the advent of technology, full-featured 100% digital aids incorporating advanced noise canceling and sound amplification computer chips can be produced inexpensively. There is no need to pay thousands of dollars for comfortable, top-quality hearing aids to correct moderate to moderate-severe hearing loss and reduce sound feedback inside the ear.

Hearing aids can also be fashionable and fun. Colorful hearing aids incorporating gemstones can optimize individual attractiveness. Such hearing aid solutions maximize intimacy at home, and empower communication in the workplace. They signal pride, and are sported by those who stay in the game and keep their edge. I have never met a woman who doesn’t like diamonds, and I believe that most men feel successful when they own the latest and the best.

After consulting with a physician to ensure a hearing aid will benefit them, hearing impaired clients can select the size, model, color, and stone they prefer, and input a current audiogram online. 100% digital hearing aids are custom programmed to meet their prescriptive correction requirements, and shipped within 24 hours. Clientele can take advantage of instructional videos, extended warranties, and a 45-day money back guarantee.

Hearing loss acts as a “silent thief”, robbing the individual of life’s pleasures. While hearing correction restores vitality and self-esteem to the individual, spouses, family members, and coworkers also reap life-changing benefits. Instead of shouting and continually repeating themselves, they can relax, maximize the moment, and enjoy the playing field.

Hearing Aid Repairs St Louis MO

5 Useful Steps to Collecting Antique Gold and Silver Coins

Collecting antique coins can be not only an exhilarating, but satisfying pastime. It has become a favorite hobby partly because it is an entertaining activity where you can not only study about history, but if done right can generate income as well.

Antique gold and silver coins are perhaps the most popular type of coins sought out by collectors. These coins are chiefly bought at auction sales, coin shows and specialty shops situated in some historical towns. The antique coins price will vary greatly depending on many factors such as condition, age, the history and the country or origin of the coin.

Here are 5 useful steps that should be considered when collecting antique coins.

Step 1 - Always start your collecting with less valuable antique coins until you become more acquainted with fair value and develop a knowledge of coins. After your collection grows and you are more at ease with your collecting ability, you can gradually purchase more expensive coins to add to your collection.

Step 2 - Your collection will be more controllable if you limit your buying of antique coins to those of a particular country or origin and even to a specific date range if possible. Specializing your collection will allow you to become an expert in that area much faster and will allow you to focus your purchase activities. This will require more patience on your part because of the modest number of coins accessible, but will only add to the value of your collection.

Step 3 - Always remember that it is your obligation as the buyer to guarantee that your antique coin is authentic. Being aware that there is a potential for fraud will remind you to take extra care and to thoroughly inspect any coin before purchasing it. While scams and counterfeit coins are rare, they do exist so you must be comfortable with determining the genuineness of the coin you are considering for purchase.

Step 4 - Having a professional coin appraiser judge the value of the antique silver or gold coin before your purchase will provide you with the real worth and may help prevent you from purchasing an antique coin that is either a counterfeit or is being sold at an exaggerated price.

Step 5 - Having made an antique coin purchase, care must be made to preserve the value of your coin. Extra care should be taken in order to protect not only the value, but the appearance of the coin as well. As a coin collector, you need to be aware that antique coins do not require much cleaning and in fact, the older the antique coin looks, the more value it may have.

Collecting antique coins can provide much recreation and anyone might consider making it a hobby. Using the above steps will help turn your passion for collecting coins into a safe, fun, and rewarding experience.

Kim McGugan is a photographer, writer, and researcher. Antique collecting is a rewarding and enjoyable hobby which she is able to share with her aunt Mary. Feel free to visit and comment on her new blog http://shabbyantiqueboutique.com.

Get the Best Deals on Gold and Silver Coins
Don't Pay Too Much for Gold and Silver Coins

Monday, April 26, 2010

List Building Tips - Why You Need a List

I was recently surprised when someone who was new to affiliate marketing asked me..."Why do you need a list anyway?"

But this is actually a great question. And many newcomers are probably asking themselves the same thing. When we first start out, we aren't really thinking in terms of long-term profit and we don't really have the statistics ingrained in our brains. We're just trying to figure out how to make money...so building a list might not seem like a top priority.

This article is the first in a series of list building tips. Here I'm going to focus on why everyone (yes, everyone) in business benefits from growing a list.

But first, what is a list anyway? It's basically just a series of people who have (hopefully) given you their contact information. These contacts are considered leads and the quality of these leads can vary greatly. For example, if you have a list of people who have specifically requested that you send them information about a product that you promote or the business you are involved in, that list is extremely targeted and qualified. If you have a list of contacts who are interested in your industry in general but haven't shown any interest in your particular product or business, that too is a fairly targeted list.

Buying leads is another (not recommended by me) way to build a list. These are most likely low-quality leads.

Remember that you might also have several different lists that each represent a certain niche or target market or quality level. It's important to market to each list appropriately and this will be discussed in a later article.

So, on to the real list building tips article number 1: five reasons you want to start building your list now if you haven't done so already.

1. Increase your earnings, even from the people who don't buy your product. Anyone who has already learned the lesson will gladly tell you...if you don't have a list, you are losing income. Look at it this way. You spend a month advertising something and you end up with a certain amount of sales. If you don't have the contact details of the people who bought this product, you have made just one sale per person. If you do have the contact details, you can offer these people more similar products, or upgraded products of the ones they have purchased.

Or...look at it this way. Someone is interested in your product but they don't purchase it right now. If you can get them on your list, you can send them reminders about this product or others they may be interested. If not...oh well, off they go to your competitors.

Those who buy are the most likely to buy again. If you've sold a product to someone, you can be assured that this person is much more likely to buy that same product again or the next product you offer than someone who hasn't bought from you. That's another reason for building your list.

2. You don't need your own product or business yet...and you can make money while building. Many people get started with marketing online and they don't really have a clear idea about what they want to do. Or maybe they are trying lots of different things. As far as list-building goes, that's perfectly fine! You can start out promoting someone else's product as an affiliate and build your list that way. As you start to learn more about online marketing and get a clearer picture of where you want to go, you are actually building up one of your biggest assets that will serve you in the future.

3. You can do market research for free. Building a list means having access to feedback and ideas. This goes hand in hand with number 2. Once you can maintain contact with people, you're able to ask them what they are looking for and in turn, you can develop your marketing strategies accordingly.

4. Building your own list means building your brand/image. The Internet is an amazing power. But you can get lost in a sea of cold websites and hypey sales pages. Building a list puts you on a more personal level with your customer and allows you to establish a rapport. Who do you think people are more likely to buy from...the person they've never seen before of the guy/gal who sends them those really cool emails about something they are interested in...?

5. Your own lists represent multiple sources of income. The ideas you get from your list and from what actually compelled them to join your list allows you to create your own products/services or seek out others that you can offer them.

List building can be creative - the more you put yourself and your personality into the mix, the more successful you'll be with it.

Keep in mind that your goal is not just to obtain a bunch of email addresses or phone numbers. The real point of list building is to provide value and to maintain relationships with the people who land on your list. If you're wondering how it is that you actually get people on your list(s), stay tuned for the next article.

Are you currently in the 97% of business owners who are less than successful in network marketing? Laura Shapiro offers free tips, opinions and instruction at http://www.MLM-Advantage.com. Sign up for the free newsletter today!

List Building Critic

Get More Buyers

Friday, April 23, 2010

Grooming As a Method For Dog Health Care

When it comes to dog health care nothing can substitute veterinary attention, but as the saying goes prevention is better than cure and so you must learn to take care of minor problems before they become major ones.

Grooming as a way to dog health care

One great way to take care of the health of your dog is to ensure that it is properly groomed. Proper grooming is essential to minimize any skin-care problems that may occur. Grooming ensures that natural skin oils of the dog are evenly distributed through out the coat. The second advantage is that when you groom your dog regularly, you will be able to notice the presence of any unusual bumps or lumps that may need immediate attention. Keep in mind that even though dogs do cry when they want to, but they might just remain quiet and stoic when they are ill or in pain. Dogs can't tell us when they are hurt and so when you check them on regular basis, you can save your pet and yourself a lot of grief in the long run.

While most dogs are open to dry grooming, or brushing or buffing the coat, the problem arises with wet grooming, or when water is added to the process. Dogs, as a general rule, dislike water and become panic-stricken when they see the bath tub. So the first step is to make the dog relaxed and happy.

Preparing your dog for the grooming

Getting a dog accustomed to water can be relatively simple if you start the habit right from its puppyhood. The problem arises when you adopt an adult dog. Before you start with the grooming, it is essential that you get your dog to trust your touch. By their very nature, dogs are social creatures and physical affection plays an important part in their lives. As your dog or puppy gets used to being rubbed and handled by you, it will begin to trust you and also get pleasure out of your touch.

Start by rubbing your dog gently and slowly all over its body---touch its ears, cheeks, and neck or rub its back and belly and gradually it will become familiar with your touch. This may not seem a bid deal, but it is an important part of the grooming process; for once it begins to trust you, washing it would become less stressful and it would result in better health for your canine.

Caressing your dog is actually a really important part of the grooming: The more your dog enjoys it, the less stressful the whole event will be for both of you. The more often you're likely to groom it, the more it will increase its health benefits.

Washing your dog

Always bathe your dog first and then brush and trim its coat. For bathing your dog, you would need a tub, a non-slip mat, some warm water, a small sponge, and some canine shampoo. A word of caution here, don't use shampoo meant for the humans because the pH is not right for dogs, and will give it dry and flaky skin.

Make your dog stand in the tub on the non-slip mat and pour some warm water all over it until it's good and wet. Next, mix a little shampoo in warm water, and rub it thoroughly into your dog's fur. Start off with its back and rub it into a good lather and then move on to the head and face. Be very careful while washing and ensure that water doesn't go into its ears because it can cause ear infection. The best option is to plug its ears with cotton wool.

Next you must rinse the dog. For this, pour some clean water on the body and with your fingers, disperse the lather from its coat. Rinse her off thoroughly at least twice or the residue of the shampoo may cause irritation.

Finally, dry your dog. If it has short fur, you can use a towel; if it is a bigger dog with longer fur, rub with a towel and then use a hair dryer to get rid of the last dampness.

Dog Supplements | Dog Vitamins

Thursday, April 22, 2010

LLC Formation in Texas


This article is tailored for those wishing to form an LLC for purpose of holding real estate investments. The first thing investors should know about limited liability companies is this: get one. There are lots of good reasons. The main ones are (1) minimizing personal liability and maximizing asset protection; (2) organizing your investment business; and (3) tax benefits including one-time taxation of members' profits.

Company Identity

A limited liability company, like a corporation, is a distinct legal entity with a life of its own. It has its own rights and duties. It files its own tax returns. However, it requires maintenance and continued respect for its independent status. It may be your company, but it must still be treated at arms length for legal purposes. You must undertake certain actions to maintain its separate character, and it is vital that you do so if you wish to avoid personal liability for the actions of the company or its agents and employees. The reason is the legal doctrine of "piercing the corporate veil." Unless the company pays its state and federal taxes, maintains a bank account, conducts regular meetings, keeps records, and the like, then in the event of a lawsuit, a court may disregard the company's existence and proceed directly against the members/owners personally. It will be alleged by the plaintiff's attorney that the company is a sham and nothing but the personal "alter ego" of its owners, designed to shield them from the consequences of wrongful conduct.

Omitting company "maintenance" is the single biggest mistake that investors make concerning their companies. They do the initial paperwork, pay a filing fee, and then use the company name in transactions without ever doing another thing to maintain the form and substance of the company's existence. This approach provides only the illusion of personal liability protection. It will not protect you from a clever plaintiff's lawyer who is determined to get a judgment against you personally. Remember, he or she will be looking for deep pockets and hard assets, wherever they can be found.

A new lawsuit is filed every 1.3 seconds. Literally millions of lawsuits will be filed this year. Many will award huge damages for such things as serving coffee that is too hot. In this legal environment, proper asset protection is a serious matter.

Where to Form the Company

Consult your attorney to determine whether an LLC best meets your needs. For reasons of simplicity and economy it is recommended that new investors start with a Texas LLC. There should be no rush to get chartered in another state since Texas has favorable LLC laws. Nevada and Delaware are also good choices, although out-of-state LLC's are required to pay a stiff fee and maintain a registered agent with a physical address (ie., not a PO box) in order to do business in Texas.

After establishing your LLC, you may wish to file a "DBA" certificate in the counties in which you operate, showing the name under which you will be publicly doing business. This further preserves anonymity, an important element in asset protection.


The owners of an LLC are referred to as "members" rather than shareholders or partners. An LLC may be formed by only one person. Members may be individuals, partnerships, other LLC's, corporations, and/or any other type of legal entity. LLC's generally operate through a "managing member" although officers may also be elected if the company agreement (formerly called the bylaws) so provides.

Ideally, the personal name of a member should never appear on any deeds or leases, and a tenant should never write a check to a member personally. Do business using the name of the LLC (or its assumed name - DBA - if you have obtained one) and use a dedicated operating account. Avoid any form of personal guaranty on legal documents. Property management should always be conducted by your LLC.

Asset Protection

A primary purpose of an LLC is to provide asset protection for its members. Although there is no such thing as a "bulletproof" plan to avoid personal liability or protect assets, the rule is this: the more fences a plaintiff and his attorney have to jump, and the more money they have to spend in order to get to you personally, the better protected you are. One way or another, plaintiffs have to pay their lawyers, and that means either cash or contingent fee - and few good lawyers will take a real estate fraud case on a contingent fee, particularly if they know they will have to penetrate a bona fide LLC before they can get to any real assets.

It is critical that your attorney draft the LLC's company agreement so that it discourages creditors from ever attempting to seize your membership interest or the membership interest of a fellow member. A membership interest in an LLC is not a protected asset under the Texas homestead laws - so provisions should be included in the company agreement to the effect that any creditor succeeding to a membership interest by means of collection or execution on a judgment will not be able to vote that interest; not be able to serve as a manager or officer; not be able to direct that assets of the company be sold; and not be able to alter or reduce the company's ability to do business. A related article on our website, Asset Protection in Texas may be useful to you.

Separating LLC From Personal Affairs

An LLC is also a useful device for organizing your business, particularly in separating your business from personal affairs. Failing to do this is a common mistake of novice investors and can create legal and accounting problems. Running business income and expenses through your personal account may not be illegal, but it can complicate your defense if you are sued. It will be alleged that you "commingled funds." Again, this may not always be contrary to law, but it will arouse the suspicion of the judge and jury and may result in your defense failing the "smell test." This sort of error can also result in your being held personally liable for damages. Why risk it?

The Company Name and Other Formation Details

In setting up an LLC, one of the first things to consider is a company name. Unfortunately, the easy ones tend to be taken, so you will need to be creative. When you have an available name, contact your attorney and tell him who the original members are going to be and what percentage of ownership each will have. Generally, LLC's have a managing member or co-managing members. Who will be serving in these capacities? You will also need to choose a registered agent with a physical address (not a PO Box) in Texas. The registered agent will receive official company mail from the Secretary of State and the Comptroller and be the person who is served with process if the company is sued.

State and Federal Taxes

An LLC differs from a conventional corporation in that it avoids "double taxation," ie., taxation on corporate profits and then taxation again when dividends are paid to the owners. Income passes through to the individual members of the LLC with only one taxable event. In this way, an LLC is treated similar to a partnership for federal income tax purposes. Your LLC will need to obtain a TIN (taxpayer identification number) using an SS-4 form (supplied with our company kit) or the TIN can be applied for online. The TIN will be required to open a bank account for the LLC.

Although Texas does not have a personal income tax, it does have a franchise tax (also called the margin tax) that is imposed on all "taxable entities." The statutory definition of a "taxable entity" can be found at Texas Tax Code Sec. 171.0002(b)(2), but it includes LLC's. The margin tax is basically a modified gross receipts tax, although some thresholds and deductions apply. A franchise tax return must be filed annually with Texas Comptroller.

Note that obtaining a TIN and filing tax returns are part of what an LLC must do in order to preserve its status as an independent entity with a liability barrier that protects its individual members.

Moving Property into the LLC

If possible, any investment property you may acquire should be acquired in the name of the LLC. Any and all investment property acquired or currently held in your personal name should be moved into the LLC by means of a general or special warranty deed without delay. Investors occasionally wonder if this is permitted by the lender if there is a "due on sale" clause in their deed of trust. This is usually not a problem. Go to our companion article Due on Sale Clauses in Texas for more information.

Use of Internet Services to Form Your LLC

NO serious businessman or investor would do this. Here is what such services do not provide:

NO comprehensive advice on how to structure your business and investments so as to achieve maximum asset protection

NO attorney to serve as organizer, initial member, and/or registered agent in order to maximize your anonymity

NO sophisticated company agreement that deters creditors from taking control of your company

NO advice on how to move property into the LLC after it is formed

NO advice on how to set up and arrange the LLC's finances, including setting up LLC accounts, injecting capital, and/or loaning money to the LLC

NO advice on how to maintain the LLC liability barrier to prevent a plaintiff from "piercing the corporate veil"

NO free follow-up questions after the LLC is formed

Additionally, the documents provided by such services are minimal in nature and not adequate for purposes of asset protection.


Every investor should consider having at least one LLC (although it is not a good idea to form more entities than are useful or necessary in carrying out an investor's business). For a summary of the core documents pertaining to LLC's - the Certificate of Formation, the Minutes of the First Meeting of Members, the Company Agreement, and annual and special meetings - see our companion article at our website, LLC Documents in Texas.


Information in this article is proved for general educational purposes only and is not offered as legal advice upon which anyone may rely. Legal counsel relating to your individual needs and circumstances is advisable before taking any action that has legal consequences. Consult your tax advisor as well. This firm does not represent you unless and until it is retained and expressly retained in writing to do so.

Copyright © 2009 by David J. Willis. David J. Willis is board certified in both residential and commercial real estate law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. More information is available at his web site, http://www.LoneStarLandLaw.com.

Virginia limited liability company | limited liability company Virginia

Massage Therapy School - Training And Information Guide.

Ah, do you know what would be good right now No, it's not a cheeseburger or a chocolate cake. Okay, well a chocolate cake would be rather choice, but I was referring to somewhat far from the food type. Possibly a massage. Have you ever taken the time to spoil in a wonderful massage I must admit it's one of my favorite experiences. There's just something about forged on a table and having your back kneaded ever so skillfully that helps me to relax. It's without a doubt, something every human being should try. Thank God for the ever-popular massage therapy school. That's right; a number of people are taking advantage of these as we speak. A massage therapy school can lead to a wonderful career. Can you imagine total silence and clam, soothing music with no boss yelling in your face If this sounds ideal, maybe it's time you looked into a massage therapy school in your area.

The concept of massage has become rather popular in recent times. Sure, it's been around for centuries, but these days we have a plethora of high-end salons and spas on every corner to satisfy our tired aching muscles. Just last month I stepped into the local salon and spa for a little R and R. I was lead down a winding staircase and toward a small door. After entering the serene room, my mind was set at ease as pleasant aromas tickled my nose. I soon fell into a perfect nirvana of stress-less relaxation. Yeah, I know it sounds like some David Lynch film However, this was my last experience with a masseuse. She even told me about the massage therapy school she attended in Cincinnati. Being the curious fellow that I am, I had to make a few inquiries. She told me that she loved the massage therapy school training and they actually helped place her with a job. You can hardly beat that. All I could think about was I'm jealous of her husband. I need a masseuse for a wife.

If you are interested in massage therapy school, you can easily hop online to check out a variety of options. There are virtually schools all over the country now days. You can also acquire the pay rates for massage specialists these days. Although it will vary from spa to spa, they do provide an average, which is pretty decent. Get your magic touch from a massage therapy school and start earning a living in a more peaceful atmosphere.

Fort Worth Yoga | Fort Worth massage